6 / 21
May 2021

hmm yes the cancer sign UnU

I shall help fufufu UwU

Your now free from the Shackles of 69

Thank you, friend. I'm an Aries, so I'm completely incompatible with Cancers! That's the issue! Fire and water signs don't mesh well, yes.

I see
*strokes invisible beard *

After watching the last airbender a hundreds I can understand yes UnU

Always in battle :sip:
lol I'm jokin :joy:

how was i not subbed to your story? what an oversight. it is literally my personal fault this happened.

No worries! I'm so close to 80 now, I might as well just make a new "help me hit 100 followers" thread now LMAO

We should make a fun one together. Maybe another promotion swap thread? Thats how I got all my followers the first time.

Hi! Can you please check my comics? Sub for sub

We should make some fun promotion thing, yes! Throw any ideas you have in the DMs, I'll be over in a little while once I finish The Cursed Doc.

Hi there! Could you read my novel? I already subs in your novel!

If you have time, could you also read my novel? If you like it, you can subscribe to it, so that you'll be notified whenever an update is uploaded.


Man, my husband was SO disappointed when I went to bed one night with 66 subs for my story and woke up with 70.

He felt he had been robbed of the opportunity to make the joke.

I'm sorry, but I don't do sub for sub. This was a thread to promote my own novel, not for that.

Awesome! Be free of the horny number, and feel free to join the ranks of Menmar should the story be of your liking!