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Dec 2020

Looking for something a little less traditional or unconventional? Are you perhaps looking for something that is a little grounded, even darker at times, a fantastic reflection of the real world, but still a story that is reminiscent of most of Tapas' repertoire. That isn't too far from the otherworld genre and new beginnings after bitter ends.

Then give my book, Beyond the Void, a chance. Beyond the Void is a more grounded high/epic fantasy story, drawing on elements from the otherworld genre. Instead of following that one all-mighty protagonist, it tells the stories of a wide cast of characters, whose paths all intertwine with one-another. Stories of characters both human and fantastic beings unlike your traditional dwarf-and-elf.

Instead of a story about the struggles of a lone wolf, this is the beginning of the story of an entire world. A single soul can only bring their own desires to fruition, but it takes a hundred souls to even begin writing the history of an entire world.

My story updates three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and I have enough material to last the story well into spring/summer of 2021.

It would mean the world to me right now if I could hit the first milestone of 25 subscribers before 2021. If you don’t mind, please read a few chapters and consider subscribing or leave a like. I do hope some of you will stick around and I will return the favour if you decide to sub.

  • created

    Dec '20
  • last reply

    Dec '20
  • 3


  • 393


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It seems I missed an important point. If you do subscribe to me, I will return the favour.

I get the kicks of subbing to your ‘not lone Wolf’ story with a story that is called Lone Werewolf, so let’s see.

If you are writing an epic fantasy, own to it, live it and love it. Yes, the market is tough for it, but if it is what it is, say so.

Or go the other way and make your sales pitch for magic realism. If so, go easy on the pretty words in your description. ‘Dreary’ is great, but staking in ‘torpor’ right after when an easier way to say the same is ‘In the world paralyzed by...’

...then stop your setting pitch right there and give me the main character’s problem. Yes, you have multiple PoVs, but pick the one who changes the most, is impacted the most by your story. Then tell me what his problem is and what happens if he doesn’t succeed.

I don't mind checking it out some time and I hope you reach your goal soon! ^^ here is my story too