61 / 108
Jan 2020

Tank you @silverraven0 and I still work on it to make it better.

@skicoak Thank you for offering and I have looked at your other stuff too.
But TBH the style I’m looking for is more like the style of @0becomingX

BTW. @0becomingX are you looking for a script?

This one is, yes. We're doing writer's anthologies too but this one is comics only. :slight_smile:

No problem ^^ I get pinged when something happens in these threads, so I'm always around. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey lovelies, keep those pitches coming! :smiley: I'm pretty sure there's still a couple underway but I don't like it when the excitement dies :stuck_out_tongue:

On the bright side, my story idea came to me in a shower thought a few days ago so I'm at least primed to make a pitch now >;D

But on the... not bright? Side, it'll be a little bit yet until I can sit down to put it together properly.

Will slam dunk it in prior to the deadline fo' sho' tho! :smug_01:

Ah tea - to me the source of life and peace. This sounds so much fun and I definitely want to try and pitch into this project. Luckily I've still a lot of time to pitch :slight_smile:

2.5 weeks left for y'all to pitch! Plenty of time? Sure but don't think on it for too long :wink:

Just under halfway into the submission period, and sjeez guys if this keeps going we're going to break last year's number of pitches!! :smiley: You lovelies are amazing! All of you!