I got 33 likes yesterday O.O
- "Friar Chicken" title is based off a pun.
- Title is also based off a dumb moment.
- It was originally a comedy with a bit of drama, but changed into a drama with a bit of comedy.
- Alec Tryon is derived from the Greek mythical figure
- Alec was originally supposed to be a farmer only, but his role was changed later to CEO to raise more conflicts later on in the story.
- Humans weren't part of the original storyline, now they are.
- This is my first story, and yes, there will be inconsistencies and mistakes. There's a lot of facts/stuff to remember...
- Researching facts about chickens is my main source of inspiration for general plot points (example, "Pestilence" is based off fowlpox outbreaks)
- Teresa Tryon is deceased at the beginning of the comic. The newspaper article in the first episode hints that it's a little over a month after her passing. I had planned the story to begin Jan/Feb, 2023. So it's estimated that she died around the holidays
- Angel Tryon has been away from home since the start of the comic (except for her appearance in the "Drawcember" episode, cuz I wanted some extra wholesomeness) Still hadn't figured out a reason for why she's gone (and later appears) I'm thinking boarding school?
- Alec is from Tennessee, which is mainly why his product was called TFC initially, though Tryon Fried Chicken works better.
- Friar originally didn't have a name, but for some reason, I thought it would be interesting to use his religious title as his name. Implies he was named by his humans, who call him a "fryer"
- There are social classes in the coop, based off a mix of USDA terminology and Pecking Order behaviors.
- There is a whole dictionary containing a mix of terms based on chicken etymology ("Fryer", Roaster", "Capon"), religious terms ("Ka"(Egyptian, "Halakaw"(Jewish)), and others I made up.
- The motto scratched above the door in Episode 5 reads "May Only the Pure of Heart Enter Here". The other three henhouses have mottos as well, to be revealed later.
- I had a written alphabet for the chickens, but the doc was lost in a transfer. It's technically a lost language now...
- My roosters don't say "cockle-doodle-doo" as commoners believe. They say "Ka-Roo", which is a made up cognate of the terms "Ka"(soul) and "Roo"(verb, "to rest"), so it's generally a greeting that means "Rest thy soul".
- There is a myth known by all the chickens that if the rooster fails to sound the morning call, doom will befallen the coop.
- There are Four Orders of the Roost, each with a Head Roost or leader (a rooster)
- There is also the Head Rooster (slightly different and confusing spelling), who also serves as the head of the entire flock. Gallus is the head of the Red Order as well as the leader of the entire coop.
- Red, Brown, White, and Black. Those are the Four Orders, in order of hierarchy.
- The toughest and most victorious order-currently the Reds- enjoys special privileges for running the coop.
- The Orders were originally designated by color of feathers/plummage, but due to intermixing and variations of feathering, the order names are based on values/worldviews.
- Anyone can join a particular Order, but must undergo an initiation and fulfill tasks before officially a member.
- There are lesser orders besides the Four, but not as highly regarded. One is called the Gray Order, a sect that engages in astral worship, but not much else is known.
- Chickens that are not in any Order are Outcasts, and are shunned and ignored by other members of the flock.
- Chicken fact: If a coop has many males, they will fight for dominance, The loser will either stay on the boundaries of the coop, or form their own flocks. This fact provoked the Four Orders idea.
- Chicken characters are based off real breeds of chicken, though I added unique design elements for better distinction. (example, Buckeyes are black, but I gave Bucky some red coloring to make him stand out and much more fun to draw.) Chantecleer is a Chantecler, Gallus is a Junglefowl, Chickpea is a Serama(Bantam), Fowler is loosely based of an Egyptian Fayoumi - or at least his colors. More will be introduced later!
- The majority of chickens do not know about what humans do to them, or will do. A few of them know, but keep it very secret.
- Friar is allegedly a Leghorn, and does not know for certain who his father is.
- The small chickens (Shmultz, Marek, Chickpea) are Bantams, which are minaturized versions of larger breeds.
- Marek the soothsayer was an add-in, to give the viewer some foreshadowing. "The Blind Owls" is also an addin, for a sort of finale for this first year. I call this season/year "The Whites", which explores the themes of enlightenment, knowledge, and religious stuff.
- "The Blind Owls" title is derived from the book of similar name, written by Sadegh Hedayat. The book itself explores disturbing psychological themes, and is banned in Iran due to inducing teen-based suicides (read at your own risk, I have yet to) I used the title as a metaphor, for owls symbolize wisdom as well as bad luck, and blind baseless knowledge can be dangerous, as you will learn in my upcoming episode...
Bonus: The owls names are derived from the three wise men in the nativity story. Instead of actual gifts, they bear lessons for the roosters.