I'm gonna do this using Trespasser rules (total likes for most recent episode). "The Drunk", my most recent update of Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days, has seven likes, so seven facts about the series:
1: This is a true story. Everything told in it really happened. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
2: Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy days was originally a comic strip done with pen and paper and chronicled the crazy lives of myself and my friends in high school. Even then it was bases on true events. It was way more lighthearted than the current story is. It was published in the school paper and was fairly successful, but I abandoned it after high school.
3: When I dusted WNHCD off again and decided to restarted it, it was a clean-sheet restart. It would no longer just be teen stupidity, it was now to be a full chronicle of growing up as a gay teenager in the 1980's and 1990's. I was going to do it as a comic again but it became too big and had to be a novel instead (though I do plan on someday doing it as a comic). As a sort of compromise, I have done up images for most chapters.
4: Because it is a true story, all major character names in the story have been changed from their real life counterparts except for a select few: Me (Carmen), my husband (Troy), my mother Claudia, my father Earl, my brother Mark and my sister Heather, and one of the earlier characters (Carman). The only reason I didn't change Carman's name is because it is so close to mine and I thought that was pretty cool.
5: Although all character names have been changed, almost all of the fake names start with the same letter as the real ones. This was only done so I wouldn't confuse myself while writing it.
6: The main story spans from 1984 to 2001, or from when I was 12 until I was 29. The story is linear, meaning events are presented in the order that they happened. There is an "indicator" at the top of each chapter showing what year this particular chapter happened.
7: Because of the long duration of the story many things (and people) were left out. In the Tapas version I have been doing "Specials", short stories that are canon but were omitted for space reasons. These specials have all been added at the end of the main story, which is completed. In the actual published version (coming soon!) they will be placed in the book chronologically, as they happened. They will still be called "Specials", though, to act as intermissions between main story chapters.