97 / 122
Apr 2021

I'm 17! I sometimes feel like a baby compared to everyone else here, haha :sweat_02:

I'll be 25 next month!

I'm 36, will be 37 on August 21st. People still often think I'm in my late 20s when they see me, though. It'll probably catch up to me eventually.

Same as this post above me. Just turned 36 but I'm pretty much still in my 20s at heart. I started my comic in my early 20s too and have revived it. My teen characters would all be in their 30s now too and I relate more to the adultsnow. Heh.:sweat_smile:

Greetings! I turned 26 in March!

I'm 28. I'll be turning 29 this summer.

Oooh, 28, turning 29 in a few months! Almost about to hit the big 30 haha.

Turned 31 in February.

I have other comics and novels, but I'm most focused on this webcomic:

37... I think, you kinda stop counting after a while :sweat_02:

33 turning 34 this coming few months :grin:
Hi! I'm a newbie.Here is my series link which entitled Precious Secret of an Ex-Demon King https://tapas.io/series/Precious-Secret-of-an-Ex-Demon-King3

Hi I turned 16 at the beginning of January :smiley: gotta wait a - whole - nother year LOL

Just turned 38 in March. Still get carded now and then when I buy alcohol, though, so I'll take that as a good sign.

Going on 35 this July!

scifi + romance + alienXhuman + future + slowburn + MPREG + lgbtq + tentacles + asexual characters

Just turned 21! :slight_smile: