37 / 122
Apr 2021

Turning 22 in some months

For sure. And sorry if my tongue-in-cheek response didn't come through as intended. I appreciated your candor/emojii use in your initial post and it made me smile. It feels good to have a kindred spirit

I always tell y'all I'm an old fart and there's a couple of you on here I could easily be your mama but suffice it to say I have friends in their early 30's that tell me I make them look old.

The minute you start thinking "I'm too old for this".... you are.

Wow I feel uh pretty young in this thread haha!
I just turned 19 a couple months back!

Turning 23 this May! :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:

Hello, I'm 20!

Looks like I'm the second oldest person in this thread so far! 33 years old and back in college, whoo!

23 going on 800, here's to the young but impossibly old!

I was raised to be pretty wary of strangers, so to this day I'm not comfortable putting my age on a public forum, let's just say I may or may not be an ageless and eternal being of pure stupidity. here's my link:

Just about 33

I'm a whopping 32

Hi! I'm 24!

I'm over 7400 days old!

30 will be 31 in August

25, turning 26 in November. Glad to see so many other creators in their mid 20s!!!

Oh, god, should I, really? 37 (38 in november). Please make it stap!

25 and if the gods would have it 26 come july

28 going on 29! Although if we don't count 2020 as "a year", I'm still 28 this year. :wink:


I'm 31! It's so nice to be part of an online community where I'm not the only person who's in her 30's.