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Dec 2024

how good are your OCs at flirting?

Chili is 6-7 out of ten. He flirts very confidently, just not that successfully XD. That said, he's much better at being flirtatious when he keeps his mouth shut. Unfortunately, that's virtually impossible for him.

Fun fact: His unbearable flirting starts from episode 1!

(some holiday art)

Most of my characters are somewhat competent at flirting except for Alex who has negative rizz and a sandpaper personality early on.

Here is a developmental sketch of an attempt at flirting with Corrine after their relationship improved.

Broccolis are a part of a flower so it would be basically the same as offering a bouquet of actual flowers right?

Yikes, that is bad. At least Cauliflower has flower in the name

For mine, Aramis is great at flirting and can't not flirt. On the other hand, Veronica wouldn't recognize a flirt if it bit her, so they have a long way to go yet.

I have a slower romance start than you, though. There'll be more flirting actually in the comic later on.

Elyn couldn’t flirt to save her life

For Naaririel flirting is a art style

Lillian the cuteness does most of the work

Coostaark his flirting is cringe and cheesy but somehow it works

sometimes cringe is kinda cute XD

Eman is a WBAFC (way below average frustrated chump) at flirting... :laughing:

But Claudita... she can do everything in her power to tell someone she's not interested but... her appearance does all the talking.

Ah, Ian is like a 1/10. Bro genuinely doesn’t know how, and if he did he would be too scared to. It’s like page 47 before he does anything remotely romantic :sob: even then it’s like baby steps-

As for Mev, I’ll give her a 4/10 because she could flirt if she wanted to, but still, she doesn’t do anything romantic until page 48 and even then Ian isn’t conscious for it so… :sob:
Page 52 they hold hands… :sob: man the slow burn is burning slow.
I think their problem is that they both show their love through acts of service more than verbally lol.

This picture is so cute lol.

Aye, slow burn is a concept I'm guilty of using with most of my couples too. The only ones who are painfully obvious are Texas and Chili. They've basically been flirting with each other since they met, the main question is when they'll actually buckle down and be serious

sad nod It’s gonna take at least a year or two to make it to the episode where Mev and Ian actually admit that they like each other…

@ArtGremlin Aww this drawing is so cute of them :heart: 🥺 I feel like I don’t get into the romance of anything until after Butter Festival Arc so I get you :sob: it’s gonna be like a year or two for me also.

@Leyelle I think Chili is literally one of my favorite characters from you, I think because he is so extra it just makes him that much more :sparkles: ICONIC :sparkles: Plus I just love his design lol

I think I’ll focus on one of the main pairings in Butter Bee, Locket and Chariot? Locket is like not good at flirting :sob: I feel like she tries but she’s too formal, so a 3 out of 10. I think Chariot is pretty flirty though, even unintentionally so, I think it’s just the way she talks so more like 8 of 10 or maybbeee even 11 out of 10 in some instances.

I drew a Christmas-y themed piece with them recently :joy: I was trying to get back into the more faster and imperfect ways of drawing, since the perfectionism bug is kicking my butt again :sob:

Also they just call Christmas “Holiday” in butter bee it’s NOT a typo XD

Bard is terrible at flirting when it's with someone he actually likes--overthinking and self-conscious. He can flirt with his best friend Victory, but only because they're not interested in each other romantically. So 3 for someone he likes, 7 for friends.

Kai is good at flirting--too good, because he doesn't even know he's doing it. He's eager and ingenuous, so if he likes someone, he's going to act like he likes them. 13/10--off the scale but unlucky because his openness weirds people out.


@beebutterbee If this is your imperfection I need to throw my drawing tablet out the window. it's so pretty and cute. Also, does Chariot have a gap in her two front teeth? I never noticed that before.

she just talks flirtatiously? lol, that sounds interesting...

I have some characters who suffer from this too lol

What is your couple's dynamic (on a scale from "cozy" to "chaotic")

is it possible that they can be cozy and chaotic at the same time? Because that's basically what Texas and Chili are. They are very comfortable around each other and don't have a lot of long lasting drama, but they are both cray-cray.

@Leyelle Omg no I don’t think the art I drew was bad :sob: thank you! I think it looks cute too. I mean more the method of drawing is more imperfect, messier, less time spent perfecting every little detail. So it’s a bit more scribbly of a result but I do like it. I think I need to go faster in my art process though because I get stuck on pages in butter bee trying to do it “perfect” but I have to remind myself it’s just for fun!

You know looking back at the other art of her I’ve never really drawn her smiling lol there is one picture but it’s so tiny the detail is lost. But I always imagined she has a tooth gap.

Yeah I feel like she very jokester? But the playfulness comes up as flirty to most people, which can be sort of a negative trait honestly :sweat_smile:

On a scale from cozy to chaotic I think they’re leaning more cozy but I think the start of their relationship was more chaotic? But in the current timeline I’d say very cozy :sparkles:

Ohh you know what, I think Sabah and Hieronyma are like Chili and Texas honestly though. I get that dynamic lol XD it’s just those wacky personalities!!! Mine were alien fanatics, like conspiracy level weirdos. But also the aliens are …REAL?!

Once they're coupled up, Kyara and Zack are definitely more "cozy". There's not much drama between them (mainly because I don't want relationship drama to drive the plot) and are generally stronger together than apart. Once they get used to being a couple and passed that initial awkward stage, they quickly become very clingy and really enjoy each other's... let's say 'company', much to the chagrin of their fellow travel companions :laughing: