8 / 37
May 2024

I'm rooting for you too! I'm 2 subs away from 250 for Psychoborg. Be warned though that Psychoborg and Frankenstein are rated M.

Haha, yes, yes we do. I'd argue there are too many already.
Just recently I had to scroll through 100! promo threads, just to get to the more interesting threads.

At least some of the more recent promos have something creative or fun attatched to them, where you're incentivised to actually talk about your own work and do so with others. All these "drop a link and skidaddle" threads are kinda pointless, and spamming them is more annoying than effective.


Work, home, work, home - the same old grind, as mundane as it gets. From eight to six, he's stuck in the service center, counting the minutes until he can swap the stiff office chair for his home computer chair. Sure, he could change things up, but why bother? The routine is familiar, the patterns are clear - he's doing just fine.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?

We still need to put them out there. Out of sight, out of mind.


Thanks for making this thread. I will start with my current WIP: Revnium - A Young Wanderer's Journey to Homeward Bound. Check out the short description below for my work!If this strike your interest, here's the description below!

Do you ever wonder where we go while we sleep? Revnium takes place in a seemingly tranquil land where people gather from all walks of life... A place where lost memories can be found. However, this place is solely maintained by a girl with an enchanted quill who stands in the fragile veil between these two worlds. Determined to record and make known the symphonies of the countless travellers who have traversed the land. Who knows? Your symphony may be lying in wait amongst her collection...

If you like what you read, feel free to like or comment- Btw, if you want updates, be sure to subscribe! Feel free to follow me on @silenthisper (via INSTAGRAM / TWITTER) for more updates as I will be fairly active there regarding my progress towards my current work - including introducing the main characters! There is already a post introducing my work!

Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment

Just Updated!

Hey everyone! If you're into Romance/Fantasy/Isekai genre, you can check out my webnovel! I am also aiming to reach 100 subs, so if you like my story, please give it a Subscribe! Thank you in advance!


If you were given a chance to cure your insomnia in just one take of a pill each night, would you purchase the item?

While walking to her part-time work, Estelle was cornered by a weird but tall model-like woman who offered her a jar of pills. She said to Estelle that the pill would help her sleep at night comfortably. She didn't lie though. Estelle purchased the pill and tried it out that night. But the woman omitted the part that she would go to a parallel world!

Every night that Estelle would take the pill, she would find herself in a world that was different from what she came from. Royals, Magicians, Elves, Dragons, Divine Creatures... a land where magic lies and mana fosters.

On her first night, she met Azval whom she was indebted to after an unfortunate encounter. Azval helped her to settle in The Elderberry Inn where Estelle managed to work and earn rias to pay him back. Other than that, she would also accompany the young mercenary to enjoy the night market.

Estelle was enjoying her stay there until one night, she decided to take the pill all at once.

"If one night is equivalent to a one night with me having a good night's rest, then if I swallow all of them in just one go... will I be able to stay in that dimension for 20 days too?"

That was supposed to be the plan...

But how come the 20 days stay, turned into six months? What will Estelle do?!

"You're not supposed to be here."

"You put both yourself and Amalia in danger. "