If you want to write for a living, rather than a hobby, this blog "Curiosity Never Killed the Writer" is a really good place to find open calls where you can submit essays, stories, poems and even novels to magazines, writing competitions, and publishing companies.

Most of these places have free submissions, but they are sometimes only free or open to specific demographics of people (pocs, people living in the UK or Australia, etc.) And keep in mind that these submission windows have deadlines.


  • created

    Nov '24
  • last reply

    Nov '24
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  • 170


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For my fellow minorities

if you are black:
You can submit to "The Split Lip" (for FREE) and "Midnight and Indigo" (period, they only publish black female writers.)

The New Orleans Review also has free submissions for black people during black History month, and for Hispanics during Hispanic Heritage month (i'm two for one! haha!)

Sasee magazine (the magazine I was published in for the first time) wants submissions of essays about women or by women (but the majority of who they publish are women.)

If you are under the age of 22 you can submit to the "HG Wells Short Story Competition" for FREE (and actually, under 22 offers twice the prize money they give everyone OVER 22. It's probably the only time in the whole career industry where it pays to be young.)