7 / 11
Nov 2018

So I’m writing my first novel ever for NaNoWriMo this year and things are already falling apart (╥﹏╥)

It’s just hard for me to keep up my word count that’s all. I need to put down my inner editor. Plus I still need to do the cover art! X_X

But that isn’t what I’m here to talk about!! I was wondering if any else has this funny problem. For some reason I always unintentionally rhyme things while I write:3
And you know it sounds weird because it’s a novel and it’s not meant to rhyme ya know, but I guess the poet in me just can’t be controlled.
Does anyone else have this problem?:3

Btw here’s da novel

  • created

    Nov '18
  • last reply

    Nov '18
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  • 1


The word count itself it is not whats important, it's getting into the habit of writing every day no matter the result so don't be discouraged.

I did that my first NaNo ten years ago . . . Wow . . . I'm so old. Just have fun and remember it's not the whole staircase, it's the first step.

Writing novels is way harder than people give it credit for, don't put yourself down! And there's no shame in not meeting the word count- you wrote more by participating in NaNo than you would have if you didn't, right? So that's an accomplishment all in itself!
Silencing your inner editor is honestly the hardest thing. I struggled with that for many a NaNo until I figured it out (and even then I failed the last two years).
But we're all cheering for you whether you make the word count or not!

As for the 'problem', luckily I suck at poems so I never do that.
I do, however, have a bad habit of writing 'me' instead of 'my' as a little typo when I get writing too fast and then all of my characters sound like pirates...

I don't rhyme, but for some reason, I tend to end up beginning a new line with the same word as above. So then I end up rewriting the sentence so the words don't line up and become a confusing mess.

I'm joining Nanowrimo for the first time this year too :slight_smile: And I understand how you feel with the falling apart bit. I've reached the 10k mark but somehow I've lost the drive to push further haha. Like you, I can't shake off the need to keep on editing my work haha. Good luck to both of us. We can do this :slight_smile:

As for the rhyming, I don't think that's a problem. I sometimes tend to do that, too. I even have a lot of phrases (like lines in poems). I was told to write how I wished to, and don't bother considering how others would normally write. Who knows. Perhaps the rhyming and poetical feel of your narrative is really your style. It's a good style I must add. Not many can pull that off :slight_smile:

Honestly word count isn't as important as you'd think. I generally just write a chapter at a time for that very reason.
As long as the story is ultimately complete that's all that matter generally.

Ah thank you^^ good luck to you as well. Also HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKEIT TO 10K Already!?!??! IM NOT EVEN AT 2k!!!!!

Rhyming? Nah. I usually just follow my gut when writing and put more emphasis on eloquence.

I really understand your concern in rhyming and that is why I prefer writing in ny native language, it's easier to rhyme. Rhyming sentences in novel could create beautiful effect and emphasize if done right.

Don't be so hard as, it's your first NaNoWriMo. You won't expect by doing weekly light run, you wouldn't get tired during marathon, right? 50,000 words with consistent 1667 words per day is a massive goal and commitment, the most word I can get per day is 5000 and I sometimes struggle to create 1500-2000 word polished chapters per three day.
Think NaNoWrimo as a training camp instead of a competition with hard set rule, you'll less likely get demotivated and pressured.

I really appreciate your dedication to still think about your content quality even in an event focused only in word count. 50,000 words is not a good goal, a monkey can complete NaNoWriMo if they keeps smashing the keyboard to complete their utter shit. A good goal should be increased discipline and productivity during the event, with completing 50,000 words as a bonus goal.

Good luck! :slight_smile:
Please take care of yourself because these kind of events is tiring and can be mentally draining or detrimental to self esteem (by comparing your progress to others).
It's not wrong to not finish or quit halfway, a yearly internet even doesn't define what kind of writer you are. There are many big writers make it without NaNoWriMo.

Thank you too :slight_smile: During the first few nights of Nano I really did a writing marathon. But after reaching the first 7k or so, I could no longer stop myself from reading and rereading and editing and editing. As a result, I lost my pace.

It's okay to take it slow. And don't worry 2k is not bad at all. I've known of others who got stuck at 500 (barely the first page) and others who never got to write any word apart from the title. It's just the fifth day. We both still have a lot of time. And like the others said, it's not all about the word count. It's the effort and having fun while trying.