61 / 104
Apr 2024

I just finished reviewing the details and... I'm not sure I can make it happen. It looks super fun and is a great opportunity, but I am absolute crap at drawing trains/cars/vehicles (like, jarringly crap at them). :joy: I wonder if it has to be of a literal train, or if we can get away with an alternative take on the word "train." Ex: train animals, train of animals like a caravan, wedding dress train, etc.

The deadline looks generous for getting it done, but I dunno...

Props to anyone who submits. Send your links and I'd be happy to read 'em. :wink:

hope you're feeling better soon


I feel like it's rare to find artists where bgs are their favorite part, cool on you

10 days later

My idea is about the main character worrying about missing the last train leaving for the night and being unable to get back and sleep. I'll probably only show a train for like 2 panels when he actually gets to the station; the majority of the comic is totally trainless :stuck_out_tongue:

25 days later

Yes and I'm very excited for it, but i have a BIG problem, it's my first time ever making one and i really like were its going- BUT i think i will pass the 75 panels. I dont know how and i dont want to condense it. I can perfectly fit it into 5 episodes, i still don't know exactly what panels are, can i have
Multiple drawings that show multiple actions be one panel? I would appreciate it 🫡:star2:

Omg you were so fast i love you.
Op I'm definitely passing the panel limit :laughing:🫡
They all basically look like this

yeah I count six there, think about it as the different shots in a movie, each panel is a shot that stablish the action in it.
imagine that you were making an anime from this and this was the story board, if you were to divide it, how many shots would be there?

Yeaah it is , i got so carried a way for the whole night and i didn't think of the panel limit..
Maybe i should condense it just for the contest then , fix it? But i think it's not allowed if i understand the guide lines. I have more then 30 of these same pages so it's not a matter of taking out some​:moyai:

I might participate in the contest. And If I achieve this, I will make it my own best story as it can be for myself. The truth is, I will make the potential unknown (so I don’t care about wins or losses, and I will not beat myself up so hard if I can’t make it before the deadline). The only problem is I don’t know how to promote or show the comic that I am making for everyone. I am inspired by the ideas and story of “the polar express” (book and movie) and the show and pilot of “infinity train”. But thepenmonster has a point: We need to make this idea without being too preachy or way too dark, gritty, and gory for younger audiences. My story is sort of on the line of preachy related stuff, but my story is not that religious because my story is a different alternate world scenario and I don’t want to spoil it or reveal/leak all my details for this story too soon. Plus, The plan for this comic has to be as short as five chapters. Plush each chapter must have a self contained story that makes sense to the larger overall plot for 15 panels, up to 75 panels.
Hopefully I will do my best to make my story and complete all of this before June 30th of 2024. But congratulations to everyone participating in the contest! Do your best.
My story idea will adapt and variate, so I will do my best to make my own stories and make each one original and different if I can draw and write more comics before the deadline.

OHH THAT'S RIGHT i read something about it not being brutal or violent, but how violent?
Because i am making 2 but they both revolve around a murder- i will not SHOW the bodies but i kinda need to show that there's a body you know?:skull: Is this not possible?

tbh there's someone who's planing on continuing the comic after the constest is finished and the awards are given, you could try that, if you like the story you're making that will show in your work, and you can give it enclosure afterwards.

once you reach the panel limit try to leave it as a cliffhanger and wait, try not to cut so abruply if you can.

It would be a good choice but does it not say that the comic has to end? If it's not the case it would be amazing. / Thank you so much btw ur great<3