wait, doesn't this make him and Randy employed?
Dominic is not unemployed, but he is also sort of freelance. He works for his father at a store his grandfather owns, and while his dad pays him, he's technically not signed any contracts and this employment is not all "official" so it could technically end whenever.
I mean, technically yes...
His employment situation will be addressed in future chapters, so for however much that counts?
is this the MCs dad?
No, but he's someone else's dad.
ahhh, getting fired is really rough regardless of whether you have anyone but yourself to care for. I hope he gets another job?
Again, his employment situation will be addressed in future chapters.
Cocoa and Beth are both technically unemployed, but that's pretty normal for many students, especially when they're parents are paying for them to go to school, which Beth's father is. (money flex). Cocoa's older brother and sister are paying her way through college.
Oof. Forgot Dorine.
Dorine Walker, my FL's mother is unemployed since her stroke, and my FL Essence is her caregiver. She's not taking it very well, unfortunately, and Essence is getting the brunt of her anger and frustration.
Mrs. George is an at home mom, but that doesn't mean she isn't working lol. She cooks and cleans all day long and yet is somehow always cheerful and pretty. I call shenanigans
Yes, for much of Lyra's Magnum Opus, the two main characters are unemployed and living with the parents of one of them. One was fired for being gay (he's actually bisexual, but like they gave a damn) and so he takes care of his boyfriend who is quickly in the process of becoming disabled. His boyfriend loses his job due to being "unable to perform duties". They are in Japan, and it at least was legal at the time to be fired for these reasons.
Probably going to see this theme come up several more times in "Crystal Blue" because unemployment is a huge struggle for Phants that leads to their shortened life-span
Mora's grandmother was also unemployed, many of the phants just used to grow and processed their own food and traded for their needs, along with getting help from the government, before the razing