1 / 66
Mar 2021

Hello, Tapastry creators!

April Fool’s Day is right around the corner! We were wondering if you have anything planned for your readers? :blep:

When you post your April Fools’ Day pranks and jokes, please tag BOTH @tapas_app and @tapastry_TCC on social media! We’ll be retweeting/resharing your pranks throughout the day on April 1st!

Thank you!

Will you be doing anything for your series on April Fools’ Day?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe


Votes are public.

Creator Happiness Team
Isabell & Victoria

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There are 65 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

pinned Mar 15, '21

Well maybe not for my series, but I will change my profile picture to a :b:️orzoi like @aqua03 suggested a while ago

Good idea, I'll probably join you on that. :joy:

I was thinking of maybe drawing a PupTeamEpic Strip for April Fool's this year. Nothing too big.

Unfortunately, I'm a little too busy this year, even though I have a couple ideas. But this reminds me that I can start thinking about next year!!!

I think i may do. But i don't know if it will be done at the right time.
So... yeah, Maybe.

Why do I have a feeling the people who voted "No" actually mean yes?

I'm actually looking forward to this for about a few months! It's quite related to the series, but not in the publishing, but more in the production: Usually when I change a line or a small action in the script, I inform Kame (The Artist) when the page is still a sketch (Never in Lineart, that is the Event Horizon of the production), and usually we use that stage of the drawing to settle things like minor changes, bubbles, panel and etc... (Or if a part was skipped)... But this time, the Joke consist in telling her something like "I totally changed the script, we have to re-do all the sketches" (Gently of course), then I hand to her a .doc file... with "APRIL FOOL" Written all over it... and to sell the trick more without any suspiscion, I would fill it with white colored "Lorem Ipsum" so that the file size looks convincing, when there is actually nothing! I really would love to see both her reaction before and after seeing the joke (altough, I'm quite hesitating eh eh...)

EDIT: Why I'm pubblicly saying this and not keeping it for myself with the risk she would find out? I 100% She isn't in the forums... But April fools will confirm it or not if that was the case... eh eh...

Just post my series as usual because it is a joke and I am a fool :upside_down: what is better than doing April's Fool as a fool?

I’ll probably forget like I do every year and get pranked by my other half :joy::see_no_evil:

I need to think of something first, so maybe. xD

I made the mistake of posting my first page on April first so every April fools is a gag BL comic :stuck_out_tongue: we’ll have 5 pages this year, like last year.

I haven't really planned anything yet but I might do something, maybe make a prank themed comic strip or something similar to that.

I voted no but then realized that April Fool's day is my normal update day for my series so maybe I will make something special for it. It's gonna depend on if I have time or not. I have been pretty busy lately.