11 / 52
Feb 2023

I can't remember if it's changed at all and I can't really find anything about it in the TOS for Tapas. I recall there was some drama or something about male nipples not being allowed whatsoever.

I just feel really weird excluding nipples from chests. It looks strange.

Also, anyone know if same rule applies on Webtoon?

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There are 51 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

No nipples on dudes? Well I’m sure in trouble 🤣 I like being anatomically correct and men in fact have nipples!

No shirtless Eric or Wellington or Roy I guess. :sob: (jk lol)

Does this mean I can’t draw nipples on my male characters? This is going to bother me so much! :triumph:

Last I heard, yeah. I'm hoping it's changed (last I heard about it was nearly a year ago) but I have doubts.

I have a character who's shirtless about 50% of the time, so yeah, I agree. It's frustrating. Weird blank chests look... well, weird.

I believe as long as they are a dot or just not so detailed you're ok.

I think is a no no when there is shading and lighting in the nipple as well evident volume to it. But a single dot in a darker color than the skin is ok
I don't have male characters without shirts often, but I didn't had any trouble on the beach episodes I've made so... I think the technique I've used worked

Tell me about it! I mean why is everyone losing their minds over nipples?! Men have nipples it’s biology!! :triumph:
Me being obsessed with anatomy and the human body systems no nipples is just cursed!

Yeah, it's really weird.

I get the female nipple thing (I mean, I think it'd stupid, but society deems breasts too sexy for the public) but male nips... you see 'em everywhere. It's very normal.

I’m saved! Whew. Yeah in the nature of my simplistic style, I have the nipple just be a circle for both men and women. Everything is simplified in my style and that includes nipples and all parts of the body and I mean ALL parts.

The feminist in me is so bothered by how weird people are about something as natural as breast feeding, but I totally get where you're coming from.

It’s not weird at all! It’s a beautiful thing. It’s just a form of indecent exposure. That’s a whole other rabbit hole for another discussion lol.

I’d say keep it and if they give you a bad time about just say it’s anatomically correct. I honestly don’t know the lines here. It’s so strange to me that people can get upset about something true to anatomy. That’s the reality! People have nipples! :weary:

Yes! That is a good point! As long as it’s not used to simulate erotic images.

I think normal nipples like the ones you drew are fine. Problem is when people make them erotic like @joannekwan mentioned. It usually happens in BL comics where they make extremely erotic and unrealistic nipples for some reason.

Ahhh. You mean like the ones where the characters are weirdly... feminized into straight roles.

Yes, I see.

I've been scarred by those during my research into BL.

Alright, that makes sense.

Nothing wrong with breast feeding, but you have to consider it is not something kids should watch regardless of how natural it is.

Hence why you should not show it if your comic does not have the M tag for that episode.
Just like how you should not show someone getting killed on screen or getting drugged on screen unless you have the M tag.

Have nipples on my male characters when their shirts are off. You can't show nipples of a female through clothing (this was a bathing suit and nothing sexual) as my comics was pulled from the app until I edited them. My comics has been reviewed twice by moderators on two separate occasions, and I have had to edit some stuff. The male nipples were not one of the items they listed. Due note, they were not shown in any way sexual. Just guys with shirts off in a pool.

I HEAVLy disagree as someone whose parents have a back ground in nursing and kids with younger siblings. It should be considered just normal feeding of a baby and kids wouldn't honestly care. Its the weirdo adults (usually creepy dudes) that have that creepiness towards it

I'm queer and I have four sisters who all breastfed so it does nothing for me, lol. Honestly, I find it very endearing.

But I'm a sucker for kids and all things babies.


Anyhow! I'll be sure if my characters decide to suddenly get zesty, I'll refrain from drawing nipples. Or maybe I'll just cover them with pasties.

I have three younger siblings and I’ve seen all of them being breastfed by my mom. I guess it depends on personal experience and how you see it. Some people really really get upset about it others don’t care.

Babies are the best! I have so many little cousins and I’ve seen them grow up be fed and changed and stuff. It doesn’t bother me.

They really are. I have a bajillion nieces and nephews and I am the favorite. I'm very smug about it. lol. I have no issues helping out. I've changed so many diapers, been peed and pooped on, barfed on, etc.

All worth the love, though.

I think you are fine. Many comics use males without shirts to fight. Or if your character is changing shirts that's also fine. It all depends on context. Just don't abuse it and have the MC shirtless for every reason like the twilight movies lol.

Yeah it's not like that. Well, the MC is frequently shirtless because his outfit is a living organism and frequently changes itself, so to speak. But it's not designed to be in a suggestive way.

I have plenty of suggestive scenes. Man nipples aren't what sets them, though.

Yep. I was the first one my youngest nephew walked for, too. He toddled about six steps right over to me in front of everyone. I spent like a solid year bragging about it.

I feel like I need to make a comic of stick figures, but they all have incredibly detailed and hyper-realistic nipples.