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Dec 2022

Hi everyone, while building my portfolio I've gotten into a very bad mood due to personal problems and I would feel more comfortable to take a break from that and draw what someone else need instead of creating something from scratches.

Said that, I don't have a portfolio to show at the moment, but I did 5 year art school + 3 years of manga specialization so I can say that I know what I'm doing.

Therefore, I am fully available to anyone who requires the following services:

Character Design
Full manga pages/webtoon panels (if script is already written)

If you are gonna ask me why are you doing that for free? My answer will be "I don't know, I just wanna keep pratice."
In case you really like the work I did for you and you wanna give me some money it will be fine otherwise I'm down to do what I listed above for free.

My only request is to not be contacted by aspiring writers looking for free artists without even having a storyboard or script ready.

Leave a comment or contact me via PM if you are interested so we can do some tests (since I don't have a portfolio ready to show), have a nice day!

  • created

    Dec '22
  • last reply

    Feb '23
  • 18


  • 1.3k


  • 8


  • 11


May I know what kind of story are you looking forward to work on? Is it action, fantasy or you are also fine with romances and BLs? If you are looking for just short term projects or you are up for long term projects as well?

Choose a name for her special skill and I will :wink:

That's a kind thing to do, since you offered I would like to request

Could you try design a light novel cover for me? My request is these two characters pointing finger gun at each other while facing each other on a school rooftop (You can use a Japanese school rooftop as a reference) and if it is possible write PARALLEL YOU PARALLEL ME for title and try to make the drawing's size (960x 1440)

I don't know if this is a hard request to ask but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask

Hi! I'm launching a new light novel very soon and have had some art made for it and made some references too. If you're interested, I'd love to have you make some character pictures and maybe even a "what if" manga panel or two if that's okay!

I can do it but I never color my drawings, so in case you might need to ask the color part to someone else.

I know how to upload it there but tapas won't allow me as the file to big, just right click and save the picture lol

22 days later

I didn't see the notification, my apologies. Yes I can give some advices in case.

1 month later

closed Feb 7, '23

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