I'm an artist and I'm interested in teaming up with a writer (or group of writers), or even adding my efforts to an artist/writer team who could use some extra help, to help them with whatever projects they may be working on.I'm best at drawing characters but I'm adaptive and quick to learn. I can aalso help with designs, such as covers, banners or thumbnails, honestly whatever is needed I'm willing to do.I'm not the most talented artits but I'm hoping to gain more expierience in the webcomic sphere, and I'm excited to get working!As a Discalimer, I'm not interested in doing any NSFW art. I would probably be best at more simple stories, such as romance or comedy and not so much action or other types of strories that require a lot of technicle drawing knowledge, however I have no problem learning on the job. Here are some art samples. feel free to reply with your contact infor inf your interested!
Would you be interested in doing a partnership for a simple heart-warming comic?
I'd love to! What would be the best way to get in touch?
what do you think of my novel ? is it worth sharing comic blurbs?
Hii! I actually made an account to respond to this specific post haha! I would LOVE to collab on a simple BL comic (without NSFW of course), I already have a storyline that fits your art style, and I've been trying to see who I could collab with for months already! If this interests you, you can email me at oceanicwritestruelove@gmail.com so we can discuss further! Looking forward to hopefully hearing from you!
Hello, more than willing to collaborateeee with youuuu. My novel was straight up just for comedy hahaIf you're interested, just send me a message! Thank youuuuuu hihi
@Rattleghost Through the DMs on instagram. My IG is 'leyellethecreator'
Oh hi! Thank you so much! I will go ahead and read over it and then I'll get back with you. I'm excited to see what its about (:
Are you still open for collaborations?
Yeah, what kind of story were you wanting me to help with? I'd probably need to look over it first. Feel free to DM me on instagram with the specifics.https://www.instagram.com/rattleghost/
Hello! I sent you a message on instagram.
I'm a writer i want to work with you message me or follow me on instagram
@Rattleghost thank you