5 / 9
Dec 2023


I'm a professional artist, with interest in comics. I love to draw expressive character illustrations and lately I've been thinking my style could work well in comics. Especially something that leans more towards a comedy side.

However I don't want to commit to drawing a hundreds pages long story. I was thinking of something more casual and short form. Like comic strips or a series of loosely connected one shots. Something that doesn't require tons of time to make and is leaning more towards a comedy genre.

So if any of you have an idea or a ready story and think my work could be a good fit. Shoot me a message with a short pitch.

I'm making this for fun so it's an unpaid collaboration with a possibility evolving into something more tangible. If that happens we can discuss the details. Most likely some form of revenue split, but I don't want to get ahead of myself here.

Examples of my work below. Thanks for reading!

  • created

    Dec '23
  • last reply

    Dec '23
  • 8


  • 902


  • 1


  • 20


  • 2


Your stuff is really good! I'm not a comedy writer (I'm fantasy and have some short stuff), but wish you luck!

hey, sorry for late reply. i like to keep my messanger private for friends and family only. you can contact me via twitter, discord hi.im.sleepy or email hi.iam.sleepy@gmail.com

hey, i don't mind fantasy and i'm not strictly fixated on comedy it's just something i think woulf work best. but if you think you have something that would be a good fit for my style i'd love to learn about it.

i'm currently too busy to add more projects to my plate, but really dig your style :grin:

Hello! My co-writer sent me here! So I'm an animation director/screenwriter and I'm looking for an artist for a one-shot!

I generally don't care about payment at all... in fact I'm willing to work for free straight-up.

The plot is this: "A pharmaceutical company creates a pill that accidentally makes people sleep walk with super powers. Comic follows an overworked webcomic artist fights against agents dedicated to apprehending them".

We're looking for a simplistic artstyle. Something with limited backgrounds and characters with less detail in their designs. I've worked on this comic, it just hit 61,000 views:

Please contact back for more details!