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Jul 2024

Hi everyone,

Other than reading comics and books on the craft of comic-making, I don't have any experience writing comics. My experience is with long-form fiction (novels and the occasional short story).

I know how annoying it is when people ask artists to work for free—this isn't that kind of post!

Well it kind of is...but not in an exploitative way! I'm not looking for an artist to help me create a comic of my own devising. I'm not looking to sell, publish, print, or profit in any way from it. If any money was earned by it, it should be the artist who gets the bulk of the proceeds since you amazing artists are the ones who do so much of the labor. If the comic is posted somewhere, post it from your account or on your Patreon. If all you're trying to do is get some panels done to add to your portfolio--cool! Let's do it.

I'm just looking to get some experience writing for comics.

If you're an artist with an idea, I'd love to help you bring it to life. If you don't have an idea, we can develop one together, or if you don't want anything to do with the story and just want to stick to the art, I'm fine with that too. My proverbial pen is at your command.

I have no timeline in mind, so we can work at your pace.

As for genres, I'm up for just about anything. I don't want to write anything with noncon, SA, or CSA. I'm fine with NSFW, but I'd prefer it to have a story and not just be—I don't know if these forums get censored, so let's just say wall-to-wall cheek-clapping.

As a novelist, the genres I tend toward are SFF, horror, and steamy romance. I've also written/ghostwritten some thrillers and psych thrillers, but like I said, I'm up for just about anything.

If anyone's interested, my Discord ID is mayhemrw.

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 3


  • 373


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I am also interested... I'm new to this site and I looking to practice and learn more about making comics. Would love to work with someone to practice as an artist in the comics medium.
I work as a graphic artist but been studying how to books in my spare time.
What I practiced on -- some writing, lettering, penciling, inking, layouts, comic logo designs
(manga and American). Let me know if you or anyone could utilize someone like me. Sorry for the long message.

I'm an artist also interested in this. count me in