1 / 67
Jan 2023

Well, the results are out for the Banner Submissions event! Did you submit a banner that unfortunately wasn't selected, and now you're wondering what you could maybe do differently next time? Maybe I can give some advice!

I didn't have to submit a banner, because Tapas already have one from me. But right now, my banner is featured on the Community tab over on the app, and it's been used a number of times, so as a disclaimer, my advice isn't coming from a place of being picked in this contest, so much as Tapas liking it enough to approve it and use it regularly.

(Yep! There it is! It really is featured, honest! Though if you're reading this in a few days, it might not be :sweat_02:)

So! If you made a banner, and you're looking for some feedback on it, drop it below and I'll see what I can advise. :coffee_love:

I don't really have a nice banner, so I'll happily take suggestions/advice. I didn't even see the contest, haha.

However, and more importantly, congrats. That's a big feat. Every win counts, and getting that attention for your efforts is awesome. Even when we don't always agree on everything, I have great respect for you as a member of the community here and I look forward to seeing more of your accomplishments!

Thank you. I think people in this sort of part of the community often sink down into a mindset of "ohhh... community comics can't get anywhere" or "Tapas only promotes comics that look a certain way or are about certain things" or just "I can never be at the level where I'll get a feature." So I try to hang around and give advice being somebody on the Creator Bonus Program and who has been featured a number of times, but isn't up in those astronomical tens of thousands of subs, to serve as a sort of realistic target. Aiming to be Heartstopper or The Beginning After the End might be a little overwhelming, and people might not know where to even start... but I feel like a lot of people could aim to hit, and then to potentially surpass Errant's level in terms of quality, presentation and success!

So yeah, I hope somebody comes forward for some advice. I won't bite, I promise! I know these things took a lot of work, and it's always so disappointing to submit to something and not to get picked (I've been there plenty!), so I will be gentle on this one, and focus on positive "next steps" that could be taken. There's going to be a next time, or if your comic or novel keeps building an audience, you might someday get that email from Tapas like I did, or hey, it might at least be useful for promo so... yeah! I'm here to help!

I like the concept of this banner. I think you understand what the tone of your series is well, and having the two looking at each other in that conspiratorial way with the red and blue lights effectively gets across "this is about partners in crime."

I think maybe in an effort to compensate for the simple art style, you've maybe put a number of effects on to add visual interest that are kind of fighting against the clarity of the image. The colour overlay and that offset shadow thing are perhaps a bit much.

Another thing that jumps out is that the composition is off-centre, and would probably look better if you budged it to the middle in this case, because the different heights of the characters and the angle of the Egg boxes adds enough asymmetry to be interesting already. :smile_01:

It might also be worth looking at your font. Perhaps rather than using Copperplate Bold, you could look at some of the free "Design Fonts" over on Blambot for something that gets across the comedic tone, or feels more like a pastiche of a crime comic.

Final small change would be that the eggs should be more visible. It's about eggs! :hohoho:

So putting those together into a VERY quick and scruffy mockup:

Characters at the front, with instead of the light all over them, try just a little highlight at each side of them, then the light is behind and they're casting a shadow on it, like they're against a wall, on the run from the police, maybe!? The eggs are being shown like they're some kind of contraband to really sell that fun unique selling point of "crime comedy about egg smugglers".
The logo, you can probably do better by just spending more time on it than I did. I threw down a Blambot font called "Palooka!" and just duplicated the layer so there's a black one of the same text offset slightly under the white one. Simple, but effective way to add a cartoon drop-shadow.

Don't be scared to keep it simple. Having a simple style isn't a bad thing you need to hide or try to make up for with fancy effects. Let that bold confidence in your cartooning shine through! :coffee_love:

Thank you for the critique it really helped! I really appreciate your interpretation I actually really like it! Thanks for your concept as well itā€™ll help me see it very well!

Something also I need to add. Your style has shown me how to make my banner and cover stand out a little more with clarity as my current design is pretty dark and a little blurred together with too much going on. It would help make it stand out more and indeed.

Ah this is really nicely drawn! It's a shame it wasn't picked out!

If I had to guess at the reason for this one, I'd say it might well be to do with very fiddly, nitpicky little things like use of space, contrast and... this one is going to sound silly, but I suspect it's going to come up a lot throughout this thread: "needs more diagonals." (I bet it's going to become the "thread drinking game". Take a shot every time I tell somebody their banner needs more diagonals.)

I think if you just made the logo a touch smaller (not much, obviously, it's kind of a logo that needs plenty of space) so that you could budge up the characters at the sides to create a nice V-shape to add diagonal interest and also have the interesting parts of the design (the characters) all crammed into the bottom half, something like this...

...and then just boosted the contrast a bit so that the lightest areas like the whites of the eyes, the orange hair etc. are a bit brighter and pop more... And maybe experiment with adding a little hint of purple into the background black (perhaps add some cloudy purples, greens and blues into the starry area, like some cool nebula space vibes?) to add subtle interest up there and pull it all together. This would actually really work, because the drawings are great and have a lot of personality already as well as selling the vibe and concept.

I do have to agree on the points you made. It needs a little more dynamism and contrast, ans really could be brighter. Funnily enough, I did have the title logo smaller in a previous draft but wanted to see of I could get away with making it bigger... guess not :sweat_01:. Thanks, the devil really is in the details!

Congratulations for being chose!
Here is my banner. I know the background is sketchy, I wanted to suggest the presencie of a forest. I'm planning to use a version of this avatar with the characters on the left and center untill I get to a part where I introduce the third one and have the trio back in the icon.

I would like to get an opinion from the outside, because I don't get any feedback тт тт
this is only a draft, because I read that there is no need to send completed work. maybe I understood something wrong?

p.s. rectangles are high-rise buildings. the characters are in the middle of a busy city.

It wasn't required to send in a finished work. but its a competitive feild and you wanna make it look as polished as possible.

This was my banner submission! Made it really close to the deadline and that was because I lost track of time working on my own series. Looking back, I wish I could've composed it so the logo would have room but its whatever now I guess. Plus I could reuse it as my comic's main banner so I can turn my current banner into my cover in the case I dont want to make one from the ground up

Also shows up the new colors of the logo. I took your critiques in mind and honestly it looks way better!