20 / 27
Feb 2023

There is a milestones thread, which was created after a spate of people using literally anything they could call an achievement as an excuse to create a promo thread, so it might be best not to. That's largely how people use the "achievements" category on the discord, with a lot of people posting weekly or almost daily with arbitrary numbers like "I got 34 views today! Hooray! [link to thing]".

Unfortunately I feel like a category would encourage people to do the same thing, and it'd just end up as an annoying form of self-promo.

Congrates on the features :tapa_pop:. Aint a jerk cus that is somthing to be proud as hell for. 3-way feature sandwhich

I wish people would promote a little more earnestly. I get the want to promote and all, but sometimes... it's a bit spammy.

Also thanks everyone, I admit I get overwhelmed easily and put myself in the spotlight without thinking much, so I get nervous and awkward after, heh. But for real, thank you.

Congrats!!!! :hype_01::hype_01::hype_01::hype_01::hype_01:

And if someone calls you a jerk for sharing the achievement of a goal, then we gonna return the favor when they achieve something (No, Red that's a terrible thing to do!)

Embrace your success and celebrate with sum nice food!

Wow, congrats! This isn’t jerk behavior at all, go have some food you love to celebrate

Yep, agree with everyone here that you're not being a jerk at all! Humility is overrated, never really understood the stigma behind saying good things about yourself as long as you're not saying bad stuff about others :'D

I'm not great at being encouraging so I usually don't comment on achievement posts, preferring to just like and move on. Sometimes I'm worried people would pick up on that pattern and conclude that I'm actually salty, but that's probably being paranoid and people have better things to do than tracking my posting habits :stuck_out_tongue: But I just wanted to say for the record that I'll never, ever think someone's a jerk for celebrating their accomplishments, no matter if it's something 'dumb' or 'petty' like 34 views or something incredibly enviable that most of us are very unlikely to achieve :]

1 month later

closed Mar 22, '23

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