21 / 37
Mar 2021

I’m not sure it will be a very positive result but I applied for revenue last month, just got accepted this month so I’m waiting to see, what if anything happens.

My views aren’t very high tho I’m very grateful for my readers, I do it more for the conversation than money. I only made it to 20,000 views one month so I’m not sure if they can revoke my revenue if I don’t make the views. Ill reply later with the numbers I do for this month!

advertising revenue brings in about half a cent a day :sweat_smile::laughing::sweat_smile: (I mean on Tapas)
well, I still hope things get better as we release more episodes.

M..money....on webtoons?

Well after 5 years and 5 comics, i got fricking nothing from Webtoons. Same with Tapas.

The only money i made from comics was from Patreons, so in my experience webtoon/ tapas are only worth the exposition that may motivate some people to be patreons, but that's all.

I tried webtoon but did not get enough views etc to activate ad revenue.

We can't stress this enough.
If you're truly out to make your webcomic profitable, you're going to need your own website, and that's a fact.
We've made approximately $400 in the past year using ComicAd:

ComicAd is an ad-sharing service that allows you to post ad-space on your website to attract advertisers, and allows you to advertise your webcomic on other sites for a nominal fee. If you've got something people will love, your best bet is ad-sharing such as this for right now. We'd be honored if you told others we brought you there by sharing our link above.

Currently we're earning about $1.75 per day. It might not seem like a lot, but that actually pays our groceries for a month. :heart:

Some people make much more than that. Again, it all depends on what you've got! Good luck! :heart:

0.07$ dollars, so pretty close to Jeff Bezos I guess.

27 days later

Alright, I'm back with an update for the people who wanted to know! So here is my info for March on Webtoons pay, I'm a pretty small time artist so I don't get a lot of views as it is, but everyone's experience may be different.

For the month of March
Subs: 3,400
Views: 25,068
Revenue: 2.77$

I figure unfortunately for most months I'll probably not even go above 25K views unless Webtoons features my work again, but then again, I'm making the story to improve on my art as well as do something fun. For people who expect to get paid/want to aim for that. You're looking at having to maintain pretty high readership every month which is a little difficult to do as I've noticed. On the upside, for people who are just doing it as a hobby and not expecting money, a couple of extra bucks is a bonus.

21 days later

Kay so I messed up! Apparently my views from the previous month were attached to February, not March so as it stands the amount I made in March was actually:

3400 subs
Revenue: 18.14$

So actually earned a lot more than I thought I did, HOWEVER, you only get paid that amount on the 19th of the next month so March revenue came on April 19th

Sorry for resurrecting this post, just want to make sure I wasn’t misinforming people!

I think for webtoon the minimum amount must be $100 for ad-sharing before you can withdraw it. I don’t know if they changed that.

Sorry, missed your comment.
Yeah, ad-sharing helps but you can't do that on Webtoons. You have no power over the site, you're stuck with their rules and format and web design. You can't ad share on that.
And you only really get good revenues if your comic is getting, like, 100,000 views a day or so.
It's not worth it if you don't have the popularity.
Want to ad share?
Make your own site, and join ComicAds.
We've made about $400 so far.

Our "wealth" so far...

Like we said, it takes a while to get into it, and this is over a 2-year span. But if you've got the right comic, attractive, and getting good traffic overall, we've seen some comics demand $5-6 spaces a DAY. Now...if you have let's say 5 ad spaces (as a premium member), that's 25-30 dollars a DAY. Nearly one thousand dollars a month.

So...yeah, you can make money if you're good enough.

Tried it, can confirm that it works. Okay, my expenses so far are higher than my earnings (spent $8,26, earned $1,32), but mine is a still fairly small comic website that only joined the platform about a month ago, so that's understandable. I also don't want to spam my page too much with ads, so I'm only having one ad space available on my site as of now :sweat_smile: still, I think ComicAd is pretty damn great to get more visibility and earn some money in exchange. Even if you're like me and not necessarily making big money, being able to get back some of what you invested into ads is still nice :slight_smile:

Aaaw, I'm afraid I'm only taking ads up to mature as of now :sweat: still, here27's my profile ^_^

Lol, yeah, the fact that "mature" and "adult" are supposed to be two different ratings on ComicAd always left me a little confused, haha :'D