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Oct 2020

Hello Everyone! My name's Animeluver, and I just recently joined Tapas. I'm a new artist, so I'm kinda shy. But, I love webtoons and anime. I would be delighted to read any of your guys' webtoons. Also, since I mentioned I too am an artist, I just published my first webcomic called Game On.

Game On is a story based on a combination of gaming, romance, adventure, mystery, and a little pinch of comedy. It follows Sora Kakushimi as he tries to survive and beat the harsh world of Airo to save his loved ones. The Airo is a living and breathing artificial world which consists of puzzles and other logistics. This story is rated mature though anyone would be interested to read this story.

As I mentioned before, I love to read webcomics, so I hope all you can recommend some webcomics here on Tapas that I can read. I am currently reading only one comic, so the more the merrier. I also hope we can become good friends.

Thanks for reading and try to read and comment on your favorite webcomic.

  • created

    Oct '20
  • last reply

    Oct '20
  • 7


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Congratulations on making your first comic! :tapa_pop:

You might want to post a link to it so people can find it more easily, like this :

One thing I would advise for your comic in future is making sure your pages are 940 pixels wide. That will make them fill the full space you have available.

A more comics style would add some polish to the dialogue, here are a couple of free professional comics fonts that would suit the look and feel of your comic:

The choice to draw lines over... the panels are so small it's hard to tell, are those photos or 3D models? They look like photos? Is an unusual one. From your cover, it looks like you can draw decently enough, so I'd advise not being shy about your drawing and drawing all your characters. You'll get a more appealing and consistent style that way. :slight_smile:

If you need any advice on how to do things in the software you're using, the forums here are very friendly and happy to help!

Cograts on your first webcomic!
My advice is, don't edit photographs. Try drawing everything yourself, because:
* The difference between each image is pretty clear and may drive readers off
* They're other peoples work
* Copyright!
The drawings don't need to be perfect, only show the actions clearly. You'll get better with time, with practice and study.

Here's my comic:

Thank you so much! I will... but they aren't 3d so don't worry. I love drawing figures in 3D like my BTS poster collab. But, anyways thanx!

Hi there!

I am loving the mood of the story so far! I would also recomend filling the space, this is something I will have to do as well for my comic.

I am a new creator also, if you have a chance check out my comic:


Hi! I love your story too... I hope we can become great friends...

Congrats on your first webcomic!

If anyone is having trouble finding it here’s the link

Here’s some constructive criticism.

  1. Some of your text bubbles are hard to read due to dark colored text on a dark colored background.

  2. A lot of your panels are small and cramped together. Consider making them a bit larger and with a bit more space to breathe between panels. This helps make things less visually confusing.

Don’t get discouraged. My first comic episode looks really rough compared to where I am now and I’m still learning. I went ahead and subscribed. I’m excited to see how your style develops!

If you want to check out my work: