19 / 36
Oct 2017

Here's the Book 1 cover I commissioned:

High medieval armor was sophisticated stuff. If the proportions seem a bit off, it's because a breastplate often ended at the navel in order to give the wearer a good range of motion. This tends to make the torso look shorter.

I went without any typography both to save money and to make a more eye-catching thumbnail.

Here's my cover!

My comic can be found here:

very very pleased with how this one turned out! i drew it all on stream too, and it was great fun talking about the comic with people and getting their live feedback on how to make it really pop. this is for Preheat, my new graphic novel launching 2018. so far just posting pages for patrons!

I usually commission artists to make my covers, but I want to get better at graphic design, so I made this myself yesterday. It's hard to make a nice cover with the 300 x 300 size limit, but the cover isn't too bad.

I may change the text later.

The story is here:Clash of Tides

@bilvyy I love this!! The heat making the image waver at the bottom is such a great touch!!

also @edmourabarbosa you know that cover is still one of my faves!! you and Mikaella's covers are always such… I would say fun, but somehow that seems like the wrong word. Anyways, I enjoy looking at them, ha!

Here's the cover to my GL fantasy series :slight_smile: I made a new one a few months ago, but the file got corrupted and it disappeared completely before I could letter it ;n; so until I'm able to remake the new one, the current one will have to do!

Between the Realms

@Michelle AHH!!! I love your covers! They're so beautiful! The lighting and color is just

Lots of good stuff in here!

Here's the latest cover for Kamikaze! It's a dustbowl cyberpunk series (think Mad Max meets Batman Beyond) and it's about what happens when the worlds first heroine shows up after the world's already ended. We're FINALLY on the third book and I am stoked for y'all to see this one! \o/ Here's the cover for Kamikaze: Before the Storm!

@Kamikaze Thank you so much!! I'm honored to earn a Pacha gif of excellence * o * Your new cover's looking rad too, I love those colors and dynamic lightning effects!

Dynamic lighting is my jam!
Hey am I nuts or do you follow me on Twitter? I recognize your icon from somewhere that isn't Tapas.