68 / 69
Sep 2024

Not ya'll saving me from my crisis with your art and getting me outta my funk so I can draw again :blusht: I drew chibi Ares I love ya'll omg

Edit: Pen tablets are a lot harder than it seems but compared to the other day I think it looks a lot better. Not my usual style but still the same. :smug_01:

I started out with a non screen tablet- created some hella art for 6 years before I bought myself a 22" Huion Kamvas...if I had to go back to a non screen tablet it would not bother me one bit.

Good advice with the XPEN, they are on sale right now.
I looked into wacom cintiq tablets because all the illustrators that I know use them but
the prices are too insane for me. The screen size that I was interested in costs almost
4000€ and doesn´t even have a stand. I paid 440€ for my XPEN22E 6 years ago and
I don´t have the feeling that I need to upgrade and pay 10 times as much money

Here's a cover I made for my graphic novel before it was revamped and converted into a webcomic. :slight_smile:
I came up with the cover concept and sketched / colored the base, while a friend of mine (a co-artist at the time) worked on adding the sand). A ref. image was used for the sand and my co-artist and I worked for hours to modify and blend it into the background you now see. :slight_smile:

I’m also losing my mind right now. I’ll probably get it back in a few days. This happens every once in a while for no specific reason, but brain just feels ehehhhh. So I’m just gonna share my art in attempt to cure it.

Man, that sucks to hear! May I suggest not buying a wacom--they're so expensive just because of the name. I've been using a 13-inch Huion for the past 3 years, and I love it! It was $400 (that's a screen one.) There are smaller ones for less too, and some that are without screen to make it even cheaper. Best of luck recovering from the loss. :<

Here are a couple sad Lonks to share your pain:

that is the CUTEST thing i've ever seen omg!

Yeah I'm sticking with my xp-pen decofun tablet right now. It's small but it's doing the job. I got a 24 inch monitor so my eyes won't die.