784 / 911
Sep 2019

Crime, mafia, killer :knife:

dreamDB: dream data base. LOL. LITERALLY.
but also
drama, comedy, bullshit
dream, Devlin, bees.
wife, stupid, tiefling.

idk, i could go on forever.

Soulmate system, China

Sex And Violence

Happy, Friendship, Together

9 days later

My story is still fairly new, but 3 words to describe it...

1) Unpredictable
2) Diverse
3) Sexy... :wink:

Egyptian Supernatural Mysteries

21 days later

Aliens, magic, sparkles

Im still triying to describe it better hehehe

21 days later

Vegan, Melancholy, Real

a magic thing

Brutal, action-packed, deep

Gory, silly, Lovecraftian.

Adolescents against cliches.

Things are said.