3 / 10
Apr 2022

I'm kinda annoyed about the fact that in later chapters of my comic I'll have to heavily censor the violence in my comic for webtoon, which I feel will lessen the impact of specific scenes that are meant to be horrific because my comic is a horror.

I'm just currenly confused on how much is too much blood/gore.

My first episode contains blood and I made sure to include a warning.. I got onto staff picks despite very clear blood being shown so I'm wondering how much is okay (below is the page in my first chapter I'm referring to) (TW for blood and cutting)


I've seen people with way less explicit blood get taken down SO I DON'T KNOW. I will definitely have to censor later on because I already know the gore is gonna be too much for webtoon.

This was a ramble more than anything else. Welp. Censoring here we come (I'll keep the uncensored on webtoon I guess)

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this is honestly something i'm relatively worried about for projects that i'm developing right now, specifically h+h, and while the list of potential problem scenes isn't that long i keep trying to hold in mind what will have to be censored and how much

like there's maybe one comic i can think of here on tapas that hasn't had to change it's pages too much in terms of blood/violence stuff and been okay sticking it behind a mature warning so that gives me a fragment of hope

I’ve had experience With my stuff getting taken down actually! No gore of mine has been reported but a partly exposed breast was so that sucks. I find there’s a lot more wiggle room for gore than women’s nudity but generally the only reason people get their stuff taken down (as far as I’ve come to understand it) is if someone whose reading your comic reports it to webtoons. If people don’t report it then webtoons typically won’t look into the comic on their own unless it’s a special case. I’ve seen much more graphic content than mine on other peoples works that never gets taken down. It’s a little disappointing but it all depends on your audience.

From what I've figured out from speaking with the community of creators on the WEBTOON Discord, a big part of the discrepancy regarding what gets censored and what doesn't is genre-based. A romance will see them be a little more lenient about sexual scenarios. A horror will see them be a little more lenient about blood. I have a sci-fi, and my MC smoking, drinking, and being threatened with a laser gun pointed at his face is perfectly fine - but someone with a high-school comedy mentioned having a cigarette panel censored. All of those things were there when I applied for ad-rev, and it got looked-through and approved. (And I know it was looked through, because I had to change one panel because the video game in it looked t0o similar to Super Mario Bros.)

My advice is to structure your episodes in a way where the panels you're worried about can be removed or easily altered if required - but still upload initially them the way you intend for them to be read, and cross your fingers. Also, adding a trigger warning at the top of the episode in question is a BIG help, and makes it way less likely for a reader to report it.

Their censorship is a huge pain in the bum though, I agree. I really hope they ease up on it eventually.

The comic strip I draw is a mostly gag-a-day comedy, but there is considerable amount of dark humor which sometimes involves depicting blood and gore. I wonder how okay Webtoon is with that sort of violence.

That's actually the most sensible censorship I've ever heard coming out of webtoons.
Since mentioning corporations (and sometimes even music or movies) can actually get you in legal trouble, especially if you plan on making money via ad revenue.
It's why a lot of fictional media tends to change the name slightly like the infamous pepsi = bepis. And never ever put mickey mouse in your story.

All I know is I'm DEF going to have to go back and pull a NMH3, censoring corporation names and manga (My father works a B*nd*i N*mc*!) N*nt*nd* which I'm fiiiiiine with.

I guess I'm worried for my future comics since all three of them take place in the ghetto and main characters get the axe hard (to the point where it borders on horror). I'm trying to look for examples of stories that get rough despite being PG?

So far Rango, Into the Spider-Verse, old animated movies, Prince of Egypt, and the movie Shazam are my point of reference (ESPECIALLY SHAZAM. That movie got away with one of the most horrific scenes in a DC movie while remaining PG-13).

Another thing I'm curious about is how I'm going to portray promiscuous chicks in my stories? But yeh, that's what I have to say about this matter. Honestly, I'm a bit excited? Since I sorta see this kinda stuff as a challenge. Like "How scary and real can I get while following rules no matter how silly they can get".

That's how I feel about this lately. Forced censorship is annoying, but at the same time it is an interesting excercise for an author to invoke the same feeling of discomfort in a reader without showing the proverbial limb severing explicitly.

It gets you to think creatively imo.

GOD I'm trying to find it, but there's this scene in Lupin the IIIrd that made my eyes pop out. It was done so simply and it required no blood.

Okay so what happened was there was this fisherman killer. He fights with a fishing rod. He threatens to kill Goemon (a Samurai); but Goemon says something like "I don't fight the handicap".

The fisherman has a confused look. The camera pans down to show his hands on the ground with the fishing rod. They're like a couple of feet away, but the show makes it look like they're STILL ATTACHED TO THE MAN. He starts to shake and then he just lets out this disturbing scream that tells the viewer "Oh God, this is my life now". I don't think we ever see him again and none of the characters talk about it which makes it even more frightening.

I guess THAT was the scene that made me go "Yeah we really don't need to be excessive, huh?"

1 month later

closed May 16, '22

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