15 / 27
May 2018

I really like the way you use black and white coloring. If you wanna see my comic check it out here:

Not really a manga but I'd love it if you'd check out my comic~
I'll of course check out yours too :smiley:

This is mine ^^

good vibe, needs more episodes to get me hooked tho coz I'm still clueless what it is about.

if you want episodes try out mine 50+ and still going strong =P

edit: forgot to say it's manga style but read normaly XP

Really amazing art! Love the style, reads very easily and has a really good pacing. :slight_smile:
Definitely subscribing, can't wait to read more!

Would love for you to check out mine too, Sage's Sunset

Read the first few pages, wow our manga have similarities story wise. Subbed! :slight_smile:

So, I've only just started reading but I really love what I've seen so far. The world building is quick and natural, the characters are great from what I've read too. I have to ask, how much planning did you do before starting? Because from the first few pages I feel like it's already planned out perfectly.

Here's my webcomic if you wanna check it out. I'm still really new to writing and comics so any advice would be really appreciated.

If you don't want to check it out I understand, I'm already getting a little overwhelmed with all the series I'm reading now.