273 / 386
Jun 2021

BL, Historical Fantasy
Free to read
Warnings: Features an alcoholic MC, lots of survivor's guilt. It also dives into themes of physical and emotional abuse, and also prostitution (which also leads to discussions of ethics and sexual assault/abuse, similar to the way "Six of Crows" deals with it). Some violence, mostly the fantasy kind. All the darker chapters are marked as mature. Nothing is graphic. I only write about these themes because I think they're important to discuss, not because I want to glorify them or shock the reader with them.

Explore the first serial installment in the world of Myra. :grin:

Hi, thank you for the thread.
Second Chance, Sci-fi.

This is my story, a drama - Action BOYLOVE story >_< Hope you like it

Here it's mine!
Free to read
and comedy too!
Update from 8 to 10 days
I hope you enjoy it <3

21 days later

CWAM is free to read and is new to Tapas! Its an action fantasy comic with lots of lore, magic, and drama! Check it out if you like!

Genre: Fantasy
Free to Read

Updated today!~~ <3

Hello, here's my comic called "11:11 On Universe Time." There a good amount of episodes and i'll be releasing another one today or tomorrow. I'm currently working on and halfway finished with upcoming episodes. I'm new and I recently made my comic on Tapas so I'm under 100 subs, lol.

Genre: Slice of Life, Mystery, LGBT+
Free to read

For those who don't know how to put your comic with your banner/proficpic icon. Go to your comic page where you see in your url that says "info" at the end. With your comic shows its banner, description and episodes listed.

Example --> https://tapas.io/series / 1111-On-Universe-Time /info <--Your series name with info.
Remove the spaces in-between and that's what yours should look like.

here's mine under 100 subs

We have 5 subs so far so all the help we can get

2 months later

Here is a sci-fi novel if anybody is interested, about life existing on the moon from earth.
If you read I do hope you enjoy