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Apr 2024

Because of the weird nature of my romance, there are sort of several different levels of confession that take place. The first one is from "Dorado" but there's another one coming up fairly soon (though soon is relative lol, in June)

“Viejo,” I say slowly, despite the voice in my head telling me to stop - telling me it’s better not to know - “How long has it been?”

He looks up hesitantly, flushed and pale at the same time, meeting my gaze with an unsteady, sheepish smile.

“Fifteen years.”

He speaks like he’s had the wind knocked out of him, looking back down at the blankets lighting fast.

I cringe.

I hadn’t even imagined it was that long.

“You fell for that ratty little kid in hand-me-downs while your mother had you dressed like a junior model…?”

He doesn’t budge, staring at the blankets like his life depends on it.

The surprise and bafflement subsides into confusion and concern, as I watch the torrent of torment in his expression, his pale face changing colors from white to blood red.

“Why didn’t you say something…?”

He tries to laugh, but the sound is fragile-

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
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Mine is crazy, Lena likes Malik, Malik does too, but cant deny his love for Selena too, but keeps it in him, Because Malik is immortal cause of his vampire heritage, Lena is his only weakness, but with Selena, he would have such a big weakness, but Lena's love is makes him stronger cause of her human heart, so its kinda tangled?

10 days later

I'm looking forward to it!

Here's mine: (Actually a spoiler bc the episode releases on 4/20)

Making their way through the archway in the kitchen, Alice turns to ensure the door shuts behind her father before she says, “We should probably talk.”

“About what?” Theodore asks, opening and closing cabinets, likely in search of food and supplies.


With that simple word, Theodore immediately dropped the can of food he was holding and turned to face Alice. Startled, he asks, “What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Alice says as she steps closer, caging him against the countertop. “I am attracted to you and I believe you feel the same way about me. The logical conclusion would be to date, would it not?” By the time she'd finished talking her face was merely inches away from him and their bodies touched with every breath.

Theodore’s face betrayed his conflicting emotions as he finally grinds out. “I… I can’t. You are at a time of discovery. The time of your life where you need to be able to figure out what you want to do and who you want to be. And I don’t want to hold you back from that. I mean, for goodness sake you literally just met your father-”

Alice interrupts him saying, “You seem to have something confused. I know what I want to do with my life. I am glad to have met my father but my life would’ve still continued without him. I own a successful shop and I only live at home with my mother because I want to. I am capable of taking care of myself and I have an established life. I just want to share it with you, for however long this lasts.”

Shaking his head, Theodore says slowly, “I have baggage… a lot of it. I have done things that I will carry the weight of for the rest of my life. I couldn’t add my burdens on top of the ones you are carrying. I don’t want to ruin your life too.”

“I don’t ever plan on giving you that opportunity. But I do want to see where this goes, and I’m not letting your fear hold us back. What matters is that you want me and I want you, correct?”

Resting his head on her shoulder, Theodore wraps his arms around Alice and pulls her in for a tight embrace before murmuring, “What is your father going to think though?”

“He already knows. Well, we liked each other. I don’t think he’ll be too upset.”

At Alice’s words, Theodore pulls away and asks, “He knew? And he still helped me escape with you guys. He could’ve just left me behind.”

“Well some of us seem to see your worth better than you can.” Alice’s father could be heard from the doorway.
Even though they had already stepped away from each other, the sound of his voice was enough to cause them both to jump as they scrambled to create more distance between each other.

so both your novels are fantasy right? are they set in the same world?

No, different worlds. My main story is set on a different planet in the future where they are aware of Earth's destruction. The side story is set in a different world entirely. They are both fantasy and generally resemble Earth. The main world does have a few unique creatures and plants, but overall relatively similar. The side story is set in a fantasy world in a forest (I'm imagining similar to the Amazon with more colorful leaves, etc on the plants. But most animal life is the same, except for the creatures)
But yeah... two separate worlds

just wondering. I have a mini universe for some of my stories where everything exists in the same world and occasionally interconnects, but i don't think any of my fantasy stories are like that just yet

That makes sense and they probably would have intertwined somewhere, except I'd started the main story around 2 years before the side story, so in my mind they had to be completely separate things. Having things connect within your stories are great though, I always love to see my favorite characters reappear in other stories by the same author

as of rn, they usually only have a slight mention like Easter eggs in a set or series I have planned that are set in Korea, and I think I want to do the same with my novels set in Maryland/the USA as well.

Even still, the little connections are things that readers tend to notice and gives them something to look forward to as well. My first two short stories were interconnected as the MLs were brothers and the FLs were best friends and cousins. I liked having little conversations or mentions that would tie things together between the stories.

Same! In a few of my stories musicians who are the leads from other stories are mentioned in passing because of their songs, or because they are friends with the characters in a separate story.

I was thinking of having a part in "Hushabye Prince" at a museum where one of Alicia's paintings is visible in the bg. It can still be done someday when I can afford to hire an artist for the series.

That would be amazing! From the minis, it was shaping up to be a great story, so it would be great to see it release someday. Have you considered uploading a novel version for now and then a comic version later?

I've considered it, but because of the way I imagined it going, I think it would lose something as a novel. The visuals are really essential to the story.

I do still plan to make it when I can though, it'll just have to be later. ATM, i'm working on my novels and planning some illustrated stories I can make myself when I get a tablet to be able to start working on those.

btw, I was curious what genres you write in? are you focused on fantasy or do you do other styles too?

My short stories were set in the present day, more of realistic fiction. My current two are fantasy and I love the fact that I can make things up however I'd like and make up a justification just because it is a fantasy story. I do think I'd like to try out a few different styles as well.
I have been experimenting with the idea of a story filled with poems. The basic premise- an author who wants to improve their poem writing skills and the story would explore the different inspiration behind each piece with the poem of the chapter, although I don't have the time to dedicate to consistent uploads for another project. (A bit of a parellel to me too, as I want to try writing poetry to improve my writing.)
I cycle through gneres in my reading so I imagine I'll try a few different ones in my writing as well. I prefer to read fantasy a bit more at the moment, but realistic fiction, sci-fi, historical fiction etc. are all things I like to read as well.

This sounds like a cool chill concept, it could be really fun. And yeah, I saw the parallel XD, but I think this could make a really fun story when you have the time to write it

24 days later

Can't believe it's already been 25 days since I announced I'd written the first kiss lol. But there's a kind of confession in this chapter too, albeit accidental:

His eye is wandering over all four corners of this little LED-lit world, and for the umpteenth time, I shock myself as my mouth says faster than my brain-

“For heaven’s sake, what on earth are you looking at?”

He glances to the side like he’s pointing at the next table over with his daggers for eyes. “I think the other patrons are staring at me.”

I scoff and he looks quickly in my direction.

So now he pays attention.

I blow a gasket.

“Oh, big surprise. They’re staring. Did the prince just forget how hot he was for a second? I’m sure it’s such a pain. Too bad you left your paper bag mask at home next to the fan mail, and I’m not in the mood to fetch it for you right now. So if you could just try to think about something other than yourself for 0.2 seconds, we’re supposed to be on a date right now. Do you think you can do that for me? Do you think?”


He stares at me dumbfounded - dazed. I read that identical expression in his eyes, more shocked and bewildered than it can be angry or even upset-

I see the night before his mother’s party - him weeping over the table and I want to take it back, cover my mouth, start to apologize, as my words finally seem to register with him and he turns from that colorless mask to a burgundy flush…

“I’m sorry…I don’t know why I just went crazy…”

I think it, but I don’t say it.

My mind and my heart tug-of-war between apologetic and angry, but angry is winning today - for some reason-

Maybe I’m just overwhelmed-


Don’t be that girl…

No excuses.

But I’ll say sorry when I mean it.

And that time is not now.

Kattar’s face ebbs a dozen shades of red and tinted white, eyes perplexingly light, lips parted, a dizzy mix of flabbergasted and flustered-

I realize he’s…blushing.

Pour one out for my characters in Apparent Secrets... We're 100 chapters in, and these folks are struggling with actual verbalized confessions. :joy: FOUR of these people have put in non-verbal effort, but jeez... In fairness, we're getting several confessions soon, with varying degrees of success. :wink:

what is a non-verbal confession? do I want to know?