1 / 22
Mar 2020

(As I learned recently) bootleg character is illegal knockoff of well-known original character from popular anime/game/etc. Usually they are named similarly to original character, but in warped manner. Alternatively, they can combine the names (and/or features) of several different well-known personas:

They also often appear on smuggled merchandise of... questionable design and quality (which is the dominant purpose of their creation, as I suppose):

More examples!

Now, what about unleashing your imagination and drawing your own bootleg character?!!

You can depict just the creature themselves or draw the (imaginary) merch with them - up to your choice. :smirk_cat: The most important is: it should be as crazy as possible and blow people's minds!

P.S. Thanks @DiegoPalacios for the idea for this contest! :smirk_cat:

The rules

You should post a drawing of THE CRAZIEST BOOTLEG OC you can imagine in this thread until (UPDATE: ) 8 April, including (instead of 5 April).
Requirements for entries:

  • Each drawing should, of course, be drawn by the person, who submits it.
  • A drawing shouldn't been uploaded in the internet previously.
  • Only one submission per person can participate in contest.

After this, I'll make a poll, where forum users will vote for the craziest bootleg OC, during a week - from 9 to 15 April (including).
The winner of the poll, chosen by the majority of forum users' votes, will receive 50.000 Ink. I'll also pick an additional winner, who's bootleg character I personally will find the craziest/funniest, and they'll receive the second prize - 25.000 Ink.

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Apr '20
  • 21


  • 2.9k


  • 11


  • 125


  • 5


This goes so against all my principles that I'm having a really hard time coming up with something. My brain is confused :sweat_02:

What is this? Why am I doing this? What is the purpose of my life?

(Originally want to draw something more ehem diffferent, but I decide against it)

Personally, I would completely understand if you cancelled this contest due to a lack of participation this time.

There would be no hard feelings on my part.

Hold up no closing contests yet, some people are just busy and might finish their parts on the last day like me.

Anyways i bring you Sauske Uchiha! He can use Amaterasu to grill opposing sausages.

Okey-dokey :ok_hand: I'll prolong the contest for 3 more days, then.

I'm sad that there are so few participants, but I don't think that it's a reason to cancel anything :blush:
I already developed a plan for an edge cases:

  • If there would be 0 submissions to the moment of deadline, I would announce that the set of winners is empty and would not give any award;
  • If there would be 1 submissions to the moment of deadline, I would create a "poll" with two options: the first one would be the nickname of that 1 participant, and the second one would be a placeholder, something like "---" (too bad, a poll with one option is not allowed technically). After it I would say that participant_name is a main winner, while the set of second-prize-winners is empty;
  • If there would be 2 submissions to the moment of deadline, I would create a poll with two entries. A winner of the poll would receive main prize, and the loser - the second prize automatically (no matter what I really thought about their work, because there would be no alternatives).
  • When there are 3 submissions and more, algorithm can be performed as usual :joy::+1:

As a true villain, I always have plan B. Also plans C, D, E, F...

Now we have 5 participants, which is more than 3, so it's not even an edge case.

First time seeing this. Bette make something fast

Here's our entry!

Saitamson (Samson), an aspiring hero, was born with zero powers and zero hair. He trained diligently until one day he grew a ton of hair and became strong enough to defeat his enemies with a single flick!

Bump! It's the last day now.
If someone still want to join, there is the last call...