7 / 155
Oct 2021

We wait for 15 minutes and if the teacher is not coming, we're outta here :tapa_mummy:

Sup, you bunch of losers, I am your teacher for today if the real one don't come in :smiling_imp:

looks around to see if anyone is watching, then opens up the school computer to play video games

I think that was actually an offical rule where I went. Maybe. It was just something I heard, but even the teachers took it very seriously when they we're late.

sits at home and does nothing but listen to music all day cause I am skipping school because fuk that noise

Waits patiently for teacher bolt upright with hands folded on desk.
(ten minutes go by)
Dares to unfold hands
(Ten more minutes)
Cautiously pulls out novel and begins to read
(ten more minutes)
throws all caution to the wind, and replaces novel with (gasp!) A graphic novel

Is sleeping on the front bench without any regrets

Asks @Fleur_px1sxn whether they can help in decapitating idiots and begins making a 'people to kill' list

Pretending that we don't have test today :sunglasses:if we ignore it, teacher might forget