4 / 5
Jun 2024

I spent a lot of time posting updates in this forum, and now I'm really excited to post the last update, cause Big Dead Energy is finally complete, baby.

Posting here on Tapas has been a very interesting experience, and I would say I still have a lot to learn. The biggest thing I learned this time around is that promoting a novel is a very different thing than writing a novel, and that this is NOT Field of Dreams: if you build it, they will not necessarily come! You have to advertise (unfortunately).

Anyway, for potentially the last time, here is my plug:

Iyu Aksanevich is a bastard—literally, and, some would say, figuratively—but his father’s royal blood means he can use magic, which no commoner can. At least, that’s what he believes until he’s kidnapped during a peasant rebellion. With the rebels, he sees things he never thought were possible. Is magic really tied to bloodlines, or is there a different, more sinister reason that some people in this world can harness the sacred magic and others can't?

You might like this if you like epic fantasy, worldbuilding, revolutions, gray morality, fart jokes, and LGBT romance.

Your turn! Post your story and share your wisdom!

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Jun '24
  • 4


  • 282


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  • 5


  • 7


Nixvir is nearly finished. The entire second half is uploaded and while serialisation won’t resume for another ten days the end will be released next year. I suppose what I’ve learned is that it’s much easier to describe something than it is to actually draw it. Still, I managed to churn out a 900-page epic about snowmen.

My first webcomic taught me to not be afraid to share my work with the world despite my bad experiences. To keep creating and doing me even if people are not going to like it.

The second one taught me (or rather reminding me) the preciousness of family moments including the awkward and embarrassing ones.

The third one taught me to ink with a pen and it helped me experiment with my own cooking.

PS: Congratulations on finishing!