27 / 32
Jan 2022

I've been making my main comic for a while now, and when I joined Tapas and Webtoon, I decided to make a remastered version--fix up old pages, break up the longer chapters, add in some scenes to flesh out the plot, basically using things I've learned about making comics since I first started.

If you enjoy it here, you can pick up the story at nachosconcarne.com1. Every chapter I finish here will be posted up in the archives afterward (new chapter seven went up just yesterday, in fact).

Hello, My comic is published on Tapas, Webtoon, and I have a Facebook Like Page. I had my own website for awhile but the platform that I was using, Wix, became too confusing. I'm open to advice though on how best to make a comic site. Here is the description for my comic:

Meet Random a Red Cardinal who enjoys prop comedy and annoys his fellow feathered friends with different objects that he finds in the human world. Then, greet Norton, in a fancy way, as he is an Odd Ostrich who finds fulfillment by messing with the comic reality that surrounds him.

Here are the links:



For me, I've been considering making a website in the past, although I don't really know how to get started. However, I have an idea of making mine more of a community with several other sections relating to more self help and such, maybe even more information about characters, episodes... analysis... and more. So definitely a combination between several things, that's for sure.

Anyway, mine is more of a collection of short stories and spoken word, so it really shouldn't be much of a problem to get it online!

I think you can try Weebly. I use it for my webgame projects. It's drag & drop easy to use & mobile friendly, but i personally don't know if there's a 'comic sorting system' for it (plugin or other methods). You can visit Lunar_Turtle's site to get an overview.

Or you can just join ComicFury and use their basic templates but you can also customize it to your liking if you know a bit of web designing & coding.

OH I've read your comic from your website before its actually part of what inspired me to make mine while I was second-guessing it
I just wish I was half as good at coding as you are cause your website is so cool looking.
sorry I never drop any comments though, I guess I'm always at a loss for words ^^;

1 month later

closed Feb 14, '22

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