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Jun 2024

So as the title says, do you like short term projects (one shots, etc) or longer ones? And why?

Personally I think I prefer short term projects, even though my only comic uploaded is a ongoing project. That’s my passion project. But recently I’ve started working on a new comic for the global comic awards, I really like this as it’s just short and I get to experiment with the artstyle and writing style without having to stick to it for long!

And here’s my ongoing comic, please check it out and maybe like and subscribe. It would mean the world to me and it would help me continuing this passion project!

  • created

    Jun '24
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    Jun '24
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I usually prefer long term projects. Or rather, I lean toward them. I have lots of details I want to share about my characters, and I usually feel like that takes quite some time to do, but I do write a lot of short stories and even flash fiction and comic strips. So I suppose the best answer is that it all depends on what works best to express the story I want to tell. It's different for every story. These stories are both on the longer side with "Damsel in the Red Dress" being very (multiple books) long.

Been feeling this a lot lately, but I'd rather do shorter stories.
My current series, Raikiri, has ballooned in scale. It's calculated out and it's as long as it is so I can cover everything,
but it's looking to run at least 100 chapters.
Not Tapas episodes, but 50ish page chapters that I cut into 3 episodes per chapter.

I love writing and drawing it, but there are so many other stories I want to tell.
Most should be either one-shot graphic novels or 12 chapter short series.
but don't think I could do another long-term story like Raikiri.

I prefer longer-term projects over short-term terms, I like to explain multiple things, and having a longer-term helps me plan everything better, when I do one shot I feel like I rushed something or like I could have explained something better or more in dept if it was a longer project.

Long-term for me. :wink: "Go big, or go home" is a lifestyle for me.
Apparent Secrets is already over 100 chapters and still going strong. :joy:

for the life of me i cant get into oneshots. a full story must be told! though not like those unending chinese ones where nothing perpetually happens >,>


Thanks for making this thread. Personally I like longer projects because it give me more time to improve it and further editing it, making it better in the progress! I will start with my current WIP: Revnium - A Young Wanderer's Journey to Homeward Bound. Check out the short description below for my work!If this strike your interest, here's the description below!

Do you ever wonder where we go while we sleep? Revnium takes place in a seemingly tranquil land where people gather from all walks of life... A place where lost memories can be found. However, this place is solely maintained by a girl with an enchanted quill who stands in the fragile veil between these two worlds. Determined to record and make known the symphonies of the countless travellers who have traversed the land. Who knows? Your symphony may be lying in wait amongst her collection...

If you like what you read, feel free to like or comment- Btw, if you want updates, be sure to subscribe! Feel free to follow me on @silenthisper (via INSTAGRAM / TWITTER) for more updates as I will be fairly active there regarding my progress towards my current work - including introducing the main characters! There is already a post introducing my work!

I've never been able to finish long-term projects, so I tried to make short stories instead. But the downside of a short story is that I can't put some lore into it.
I'm currently challenging myself to do a long-term comic project; hopefully, I can finish it this time!
Good luck with everyone's work! :yellow_heart:

I like longer type of comics and stories, about a year worth of episodes or longer. My current comics will be about 125 episodes, weekly, so about 2 1/2 years. Some of my other ideas are about 50 episodes so closer to 1 year.

Honestly, I don't discriminate. I just love a good story in general.


Probably short term projects so that I can say I finished them without committing to too much. Hybrid: Humanity has been running for 4 years and I'd say that's a really long term project that I will go through with completing.

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: In the 1800s, an unprecedented convergence of demons and humanity altered the course of history, sowing the seeds of conflict and camaraderie. Now, in the world of the 2100s, a half-demon teenager is drawn into a realm teeming with covert battles and concealed truths.

Within this intricate tapestry of magic and mystery, ancient pools of power house unrevealed potentials, ready to ignite. Accompany our enigmatic protagonist as she journeys through a world where allegiances flicker like shadows, and the distinction between friend and foe remains perpetually uncertain.

I personally prefer short-term projects, but this one's a long one! :))

Curious about the Poppy Contract? Find more about it in this chapter released just this week in Letter Addressed To The Fire!

Letter Addressed To The Fire is a story told in letters, diaries, journals, documents, and the likes, aside from the main characters' thoughts. It is a story about prodigies of rival groups finding solace in one another without knowing who the other really is. It is a bittersweet story that speaks about finding gentleness amidst a cruel world.

Thank you!