Hi, I mainly use TikTok and Instagram to promote my comic (and sometimes my webnovels). Most of my content is speeddrawing/speedpainting videos set to music. I also used to promote my comic on Reddit a while back. My comic is also listed on Top Web Comics, and I've gotten some traffic through there.
Some observations:
- The TikTok videos tend to get many views, likes, and occasional comments if I use the right hashtags (although there are videos that get almost no views even though they have the same hashtags - the algorithm is unpredictable)
- I cross-post the TikTok videos to Instagram. They get far fewer views but get some likes and comments from followers.
- For Reddit, I used to make promotional videos every time I published a new episode of my comic and cross-posted it to different comic-related subreddits.
In terms of grabbing people's attention (although this may vary depending on your comic/novel) and handling engagement
- For TikTok, use trending music (or at least something something that starts with strong beat, since you only have about one second to get the viewer's attention) and, if it's a speeddrawing video, show the entire drawing process
- In general, if someone leaves a comment on any of the platforms, I give it a like and a thank you comment
With that being said, I don't think the social media posts are really driving that much traffic to the actual comic/webnovel, which is why I stopped promoting so much on Reddit (I still post comic-related content to TikTok and Instagram since I'm treating them like online art portfolios). What I found to be more effective on Reddit was responding to posts where webcomic creators are looking to support other creators' works (everyone comments with a link to their comic - usually at least one person will click on yours).
Anyway, hope this helps. Good luck!
Links if you're interested: