1 / 86
Nov 2019

In this thread, you are NOT allowed to promote your comics:

  1. You should hold yourself from posting the link on your comics as hard as you can.
    For example, you can't post the link on your comics, like,
    tapas.io/series/The-story-of... wait, I should NOT write it! ...how-humanity... damn, I have to stop! ...has-thrown-itself-into-the-... into-the... uggh, I'm stronger than this!.. :persevere:
    ...phew, I got grips on myself and hold myself from it. So we can move further.
  2. In this thread, you also are not allowed to tell what your comics is about. No matter how much do you want it! For example, I can't tell that my comics is about two cynic cyborgs, who... sssshit. :persevere: I really want to tell it so much... you know, that they are trying to survive at the ruins of the... NO! I'll find the strength to stop and go to another point. :persevere:
  3. It's forbidden to write the name of your comics. Even if it's as short as "Cyber-scr..." ffuck, I really need to hold myself! And I will! :persevere:
  4. It's strictly prohibited to post the pages or posters or banners of your comics!
    Even if they are here... right on your computer... at the distance of a couple of clicks...

    ...close the folder with them! Don't post them! :persevere: I know, it's hard but I believe in you!!!

...All other topics (besides your comics) are free to discuss. :hugging:

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There are 85 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

Oooh. It's my favorite scheme for drawing heads. :thumbsup: No jokes!
For drawing heads in my com... * cough cough * ...ok, don't mind.

To be honest, I do think that self promotion on this forum can be a bit much. I know that people are just proud of their work and want others to see, but promotion can sometimes be clearly shoved in to a comment / thread, and sometimes I have a feeling a thread obstensibly made for another purpose is actually just to cloak a link to a comic. It just feels excessive, and after a while I start to ignore the comic links. Judging from the number of clicks on most of these links, other people do too.
Related, there are so many promotion threads. Again, judging by the number of clicks on those, they seem ineffective.

I say this as someone who has promoted my comic here in the past. But then I started annoying myself so I stopped doing it.

In my opinion, we should just have the option of having small comic banners as signature, like the smackjeeves forums do (r.i.p.).

Reading over and over again
Hohoho you didn't mention anything about this one thing... so here is MY SUPER GLORIOUS WONDERFUL 2X2 COMIC THUMBNAIL

So I'm drawing a comic called- wait, crap.
My comic is about- HGNH! NO STOP!
So how about that new Pokemon game? It's all British and stuff like me! And my comi- dammit!

This is hard. How am I even supposed to post on the Tapas forums without shamelessly promoting my comic!? My comic, which is called- okay that was close...

I promoted my comics often at the beginning of my being here. Now I do it rarely, since I suppose that the most people, who wanted to see it, have seen it already anyway, so new post will not add anything.

Okay, challenge accepted.

I only post my comic for feedback at the moment. Letting people decide to check out your work is the best way to go. There's no such thing as the annoying "Subscribe" phrase when it comes to my comics.

Alright, let's not talk about our comics. But first, we need to talk about parallel universes.

In fact when I scroll through a thread with links it just goes link on link on link.
For myself, I try to make some banners and links, so when others just scroll there stop at my post and thinking "uh what is that". I believe sometimes it works, and I try to say to others there should do the same... "I can not see on the little Thrumb what style you have" and it more difficult with novels, but then in novels, you also can have pictures right.
Like my sto....uh..I....will....no..no good.

I will just say when you all post the link to promote, then tell us, show us, what your story is, in the promotion and do what others not doing.
YOU ARE CREATIVE PERSON... right? So tried it and learn what is working and not working.
You have maybe seen some promotion from me where you think "That is too much" and "I can learn of that"

I always feel so uncomfortable promoting my stuff to people who are all doing the same thing like. There’s one person (my husband) who also draw comics that I kinda brainstorm with and show my stuff to before it’s done but I wouldn’t make em read the end result cus they got their own work to do and they can get around to it on their own time if they WANT to.

But also I just always treat spaces like this (forums and discord servers) as, like, peer to peer conversation spaces and not promo spaces cus promoting to other creators isn’t high on my priority list. Idk if that makes sense !!!

*Acts as if there's a universe where the desire to promote my comics would actually be stronger than both my laziness and the inherent shame in the fact that my comics desperately need promotion *

...Oh no...I'm not allowed to self-promote...this is so hard, guys...lord, give me strength...



.....you forgot to tell the novelist not to promote their novels....

Hides novels behind back

Nobody said anything about NOVELS mwahahahahhahahahahhahahhaha! :imp:

Edit....novel`s link removed for the sake of justice and honor XD

I LITERALLY just posted that.

...I at least hid mine behind my back. playful poke

Just read your message a few seconds after i posted :sweat_smile: .....i thought i was the first going for the joke.......shame on me XD