17 / 38
May 2021

Hey that's actually a nice first try ^^
Sadly I never actually drew anything worth of note, so I can't give you pointers, but that is an awesome pose, and I love the energy behind that hug. It's so sweet and genuine! ^^
Funny thing is, I think you could swap their positions up and it would still fit, Azreth is very grabby too, and he just looooves messing with people just to get them mad at him. xD

Oh, and lots of people get estranged in their first time with Anthros,
hope you had fun drawing, even it was hard.

And thank you,
I think this counts as the first fan-art I've ever received of one my boys, and i'm so happy right now.
Do you think it would be ok If I posted it on my story's twitter? It's not big, I only got like 13 followers, but i'd really like to ^^
If you have one, I can link there too.

That energy is the feeling i got looking at the character sheet, and I also realized they were similar rights so that was my inspiration for the pose :smiley: Im super glad you like it!

I did have fun (I do like drawing monsters). I would totally call it fanart lol
I do have a Twitter for the comic, its @whitenoisebois
If you want I can just post it and tag you? Im good either way.

I subed ur comic, really nice. here u have something from me ;3

if u want draw for me here is my comic:

You can choose, if u don't want to choose here u got my fav Kirinkuh:

he is short: 168 cm :stuck_out_tongue:

have a good day :smiley:

OMG OMG THANK YOU!!! And yah im going to read it tonight and get a feel then ill come up with something to draw :smiley:

Do you think you could draw one of my characters with yours?

Kaylan is short, very talkative, and loves sciences, Callum is very awkward with people unless that person is made of plants, and Grim is well, a cat.

Here's a reference:

Beautiful work :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: He looks great in your style, thank you very much!

Also, people taking advantage of his naiveté is very lore friendly, you are wise beyond your years

Also, I really appreciate you doing multuple panels :blush:

Kaylan is 22 Callum is 24 and Grim is 16 (Human years. He's more like 50 or 60 in cat years)