29 / 52
Jan 2019

I have a character that is a vagabond and wears whatever he finds, so it would be interesting to see him in clothes that you choose. I don't have an instagram account, but if you draw my OC, I would share it in twitter and tumblr with a link to your comic.
Thank you!

Hello, i don't have any clothing preferences, and i just like this design, so it don't have personality or anything. Not to mention i'm curious what you'll make without me making up a personality, so here it goes :

My tapas : tapas.io/glasgwyn

My avatar :

Oh. So I forgot about the link to my comics (I don't have instagram account)... :thinking:
Here it is:

Also my tapas account:

Just to summarise all I've previously written in this topic, for convenience:

Mine character pic and info; Amendment

If you’re still accepting OCs, here’s one of mine. His name is Shinya, it would be really cool to see him in traditional Japanese clothing!

sorry for the late reply, was kinda busy the last few days ^^;
I'll be gone for about a week from tomorrow on so idk how quickly I'll be able to reply to any questions but I've got plenty of time to sketch, so there's that!

@Rodimus13 thank you for letting me know ^^ (it's only going to be a pencil sketch so I don't know if there's going to be much of a difference anyway ^^; )

@aqua03 yup! just know that I will make a human version of them as stated above!

@Dorothea23 @Glasgwyn @MantaSei @tired_programmer alright thank you!! :blush:

@BobbyjoeXforgotensb uuhhhhh "Pirate Era" isn't really a period, though... If you mean something like Pirates of the Carribean, that's baroque/Georgian Era, the North Sea had a lot of infamous pirates around 14th century, and there's still pirates around e.g. in Somalia. Could you maybe be a bit more precise? :sweat_smile:

@eicue I have twitter & tumblr myself so I'd like to post it there myself (in case I'd want to)... this is more for getting back to the swing of things and sketch regularly. It won't be super high quality and I personally don't really want them to be spread everywhere because they're just gonna be sketches, my IG simply is kind of my "digital sketchbook" so that's why I'm posting them there. It's ok if you want to post the sketch in your comic or a side series as fan art but apart from that I don't feel very comfortable about this. I hope that's ok? I can credit your twitter/tumblr, though, if that's what you want me to do!

Cool, I'll get you some reference and ideas tonight! :slight_smile:

Never read Todd & Petunia, but I mean.. it's cool? xD It's a pretty simple design, I'm sure others have already used some variation of a female character with white hair and a black suit and tie at some point, so ehhh whatevers lol

Ehhhhh, Meredith from Todd and Petunia is a boy but has long hair, and was teased for having a girl name.

I wouldnt mind a joseon period han bok if you have the room. I dont know if they had rainbow sleeves back then, but for status sake she would probably have those kind of sleeves.

Hello there! This still open? :o

Well I guess I can try with the two in there:

They're Pokémon- a Meowstic (a psychic cat basically) and a Cottonee (ball of cotton with leaf wings).

@aqua03 @Anime_Bolt could you please give me either your IG or the link to the comic to credit you?

@Rubombee can you give me some visual refs here?

@KoreanTacos I'd have to research that (though in most historic dramas they don't, I think that's more of a recent development?) also please give me something to reference as well ^^

For everyone who's asking after this: Currently I'm putting these requests on hold just so I can work on these ones here but I might open them again at a later point!