61 / 61
Nov 2020

Forgot to link my comics omg

You don’t have to put both if it’s a lot of links by the end you can just out the one that fits better with Errant’s content....which would probably be Frog>Prince but it’s up to you!

Now I need to see/draw a Shera AU for Errant :cry_01:

HNNGGHHNNNNNN I also want this very strongly. :cry_02: :cry_02: :cry_02:
(Though now I'm mulling over questions like "Is Rekki Catra or Adora?" and "Is Subo Scorpia or Bow?" and "is Jules Entrapta or Mermista?")
Sarin and Rekki fighting over whether Sarin is Adora or Glimmer because Rekki really wants to be Adora. :rofl:

If Rekki is Adora I have to deal with the revelation That Rekki is a horse girl and I’m not sure I’m emotionally prepared for that

Also very quick question... how tall was Rekki again? :sweat_smile:

Aaaaaaaah I need iiit! :coffee_love: I think Rekki would make for a really nice Adora but I can see why she would be Catra as well for the situation she is on right now... It's really difficult to choose nice fits for everyone :''D. If you ever get them sorted out please do tell cause I'd love to make some extra fanart of them :heart:
Now I should be working on a piece for this week :hype_01:

Niiiice! They went sightseeing in "sunny" Joysgard! (may not actually be sunny). :sunglasses: That's rad, thanks!

Don't really wanna spoil the surprise, but check out my comic in 2 or 3 weeks or so.

Thanks so much for all the great stuff you sent in, everyone! I got so much stuff I've split it across two updates, this week will be fanart and next week will be omake and panel redraws! I really hope you get some traffic out of it. :two_hearts:

You can see the First part here:


Anything sent in now won't be in the fanart collection for this chapter. But I'm always happy to get and share fanart, so feel free to @ me on social media if you do some (twitter darthmongoose is best for visibility, I have nearly 3000 followers).

Many thanks again!

Pssst. Remember you can ad music on your episodes. If you "Need a Hero"

Sorry, I'll probably post only the parts of yours that don't include copyright content like that and logos and link back to the thread. My comic is monetised and I don't want to deal with DMCAs. :sweat_02:

1 month later

closed Nov 15, '20

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