1 / 61
Sep 2020

We are gradually closing on the end of chapter 1 of Errant! It's been a pretty wild ride with the community pick and staff pick in the middle of it all, so for the end of the chapter, to celebrate both hitting that milestone and passing 500 subs along the way, it's time for a fan art challenge/showcase! 'Cause cross promo is fun! :tapa_pop:

Chances are, if you're on the forum, you're already familiar with Errant, but in case you're not, it's a very colourful Action Fantasy with lots of LGBTQIA+ characters about a lady knight who makes questionable life (and fashion) choices and fights huge demons. It has over 650 subs and has been both a staff pick and community pick. You can read it here:

How to be involved:

  1. Draw some Errant fan art or a panel/cover redraw or an omake/gag comic. Any character/s (or monster/s, I guess, if your dream is to draw a house-sized demon in studded chaps and a wrestling belt, this is your chance because I put that in my comic). Safe for work content only! (Errant is not in the Mature section. Sorry if you really wanted to show me your answer to "do these characters have hair that colour... everywhere?).
  2. Post it in this thread.
  3. Post a link to your comic.

The coolest/loveliest/funniest pieces, I'll also feature in the comic at the end of the chapter with a link to your comic there too.
You don't have to have the comic bookmarked to take part. I'm not a cop. Also I'm not going to trawl 650+ subs to make sure you're a "real fan", so like... yeah if this is just a good mutual promo opportunity to you and my comic isn't your bag, we're cool. :smile_01:
You are totally permitted to post your piece on your own social media if you're proud of it. A link to the comic would be great if you do. Also give me the link if you tweet it, so I can retweet it! If it comes out really really well and you want to sell it as a print or something, let me know so we can do the paperwork (probably not hugely likely, but just so you know, I'm open to that).

I estimate the end of the chapter is about one to two months away, so there's plenty of time to take part before then. I will definitely post a warning when there's a week left.


  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Nov '20
  • 60


  • 4.1k


  • 15


  • 202


  • 15


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There are 60 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

Wow this is big. I better take some art classes

Ooooh, I'm so ready for this!! :hype_01:


And AHH! Who to draw though!? Hmmm...

Hm. Yeah, sure, I'll do this if I've got the free time.
Maybe I'll draw my favorite character. Lady Lune...'s pants.


Play this song

Thank you! It really made my day! (my fiance also thought they were really funny). :+1:

I made a completely original character for this. 100% original. Yep.

(This is obviously a joke. I’ll be giving you a real submission later, I just got really busy last week and then was sick on Saturday.)

Having a difficult time with my own OC today, so I took a break and drew Subo! I identify with him - I guess if the world needs a hero I'll get off my butt, but maybe I can just hang out at the bar and have a beer for now :). Traded sword for cat :smile_cat:.

Aaaah this is adorbs and totally how Subo would want to spend his downtime! Beer AND cats!? What more could best boy ask for!?
Thank you! :green_heart:

I will try to draw a hot masked bird man before it’s too late :thinking:

I don't think I'll be able to give you something on time, unfortunately.

I managed to get a picture in time! It's the least I could do for all your amazing help and contributions to the community :tapa_pop:


(it's an imgur link to the high quality version, if needed)

As soon as this came up on my screen my partner was laughing at the other side of the room like "omg yes, Pirate Subo!"

It's great, I love it! :heart_02: