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Mar 2020

My name was created on a whim (I'm a gamer, and I write. Brilliant, isn't it?) but over time it's gained more of a personal meaning.

Meanwhile the name Enigma has a deeper meaning.

My school had a shared Students drive that was rarely used, so one day on a whim I created a .txt file with a riddle, and signed it "The Mysterious Man", which eventually became a huge riddle game to find my identity. (They never did figure it out.) Anyways, eventually from this came the name Enigma, born from a riddle I one day made for fun, maybe to distract some people from the boredom of school, that eventually grew into one of my crowning achievements.

"The Mysterious Man" Is still a character I play with, I want to add him to some of my writing one day.

How'd you come up with your screen name?

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I really love Sherlock Holmes stories, and detective stories in general, and I couldn't think of a single name I'd rather have than that of the woman who beat Sherlock Holmes.

” My name is my story ”

Let’s see if there are other Sherlocks to figure that one out

Mine was an due to a turn of events tied to a MMO I started playing back around 2008~09. On forums where I would roleplay back then, I would usually enter the name "Raguna" because it was the name of the main character from my story at the time and I would usually roleplay that character.

Then a few years later my friends invited me to try this MMO called La Tale, and I figured "cool I'll play as Raguna :D" so I went through the character creation process and got the character looking how I wanted then I get to the part afterwards where you have to enter a name and... bam, name taken.

So I had to take a step back and think of something else. I ended up settling on "Rhonder" which was the main jerky rival character in my story. But I left the MMO Character's appearance looking like Raguna lol After that I just started using Rhonder everywhere as I found that it was often available and the name grew on me~

I'm the King of the world. It's as simple as that.

Might rename myself as UniverseEmpireRuler to fit that logic.


My name has always had some variation of spade, even since high school since that was my favorite playing card suite. Usually I’d combine it with things but as I talked to more people online more and more were just like “oh Spade like the garden hand trowel?” And eventually I just gave in. The most recent iteration was jokingly said by a friend for my new username since I always make butt jokes so....now it’s SpadeDigsButts.....puns

Well well well, why am I not surprised. Only you would do something so petty.

You can't handle the fact that there's someone higher than you.


Initials and birthyear, but I feel like the period or dash or underscore (depending on the site) between both is super symbolic

Well, mine isn´t that original, to be honest.
The Papa- part is because I look older than most of my friends (I´m 25, but I look like I could be 37). And the -Dom part is well just the first three letters of my name.

I like screen names that are just purely random, but can still stick out as something memorable. I got 'Spudfuzz' from the movie 'Hot Fuzz', just played with it till I landed on Spudfuzz lol.

Just because its not a very good story doesn't mean it doesn't have one.

for example I had a friend who tended to grab the username 'Raspbry' where ever he could. once we were both signing up for this forum and I created the username 'Raspbryl' as a joke. I really ended up liking it and it stuck. After a while people pretty much only knew me as 'Rasp' and that's what I go by pretty much everywhere.

See that story is terrible! I haven't even spoken to the guy I stole it from in YEARS. It's still a story through.

My name is Carlos. I draw webcomics.
I'm not going to win a Noble prize of literature any time soon.

That's the spirit~!!

Our name is reference to our publishing company, NRG Comics. Our goal is to create the next big superhero universe! We actually have out latest issue 0 here on Tapas:

And we'll be doing a Indiegogo for the first follow in a few weeks.

Mine is based off my first OC like ever. I Used his name as a pen name for sometime on other novel sites but i wanted something more poppy for comics.

So on books it was down a Z. Moore. Now I go by Zemoore.

I'm really obsessed with American animals. I'm from the UK but used to live in Romania and honestly, despite coming into contact with bears and wolves and my family owning a wolfdog, I really just love Possums. They're so damn cute, like yeah they look like rats, but they're just so cute.

Also they're really misunderstood creatures, they kill tics, they can't have rabies, they're incredibly docile and refuse to bite people. They also carry their babys on their back and it's just the cutest thing.
Racoons are cool too because they have that attitude, but possums are just yeah, cute as heck!