Understandable, that sucks ): There is a lot of my culture still preserved, but Colonialism just destroyed so much (more like world wide YIKES). I feel lucky that I grew up around part of my culture, I know not every one gets that privilege. I write characters from a lot of different heritages, but I do think I have alot of Mexican characters or characters coded Mexican when it’s fantasy lol. You make interesting threads tho! I don’t always comment on them but they seem to spark good conversation
thank you, i try to come up with interesting ideas.
And yeah, including different cultures into fantasy is a win, there doesn't feel like enough of them atm. Part of the reason the female lead of my fairy tale themed/inspired comic is a black woman. it's has been so important to me that she stay that way through the whole process of creating the comic
As of yet, i have few Dominican characters, (and the one i have in Damsel in the Red Dress is kind of a villain lol) but I intend to write more, and I also write a lot of African Americans (my mom's side) so I hope i'm representing well (fingers crossed) and every character in my short story is Dominican, so i hope i'm doing us justice.
Kinda hard to see in this shot, but Zayzann has custom-tailored Earth clothing, courtesy of his human roommate, Iris. He's often wearing one of two black V-neck shirts, and a fitted pair of khaki pants that extend down past the "knees" on his bird-like legs. Iris purchases or repurposes very large clothing, then tailors it with slits in the back to accommodate his wings and tail.
Oooh! here's a teaser for next weeks episode, because Alicia's new agent is quite the quaintrelle (or is just too tall to find many dresses and skirts that are still appropriate for work, it could go either well.)
A Christmas green three piece suit with matching tie and heels, and crisp, immaculately clean White button up.
I catch sight of Ms. Howard as I do, neatly attired in a Christmas-green three-piece suit, matching tie, and high heels. Her dark mass of hair stands around her head like an immaculate explosion, barely even seeming to sway as she walks, like it’s crafted from plastic. I immediately feel underdressed.
Does The Foundation just have ties with some pastel formal wear manufacturer?
I rise quickly to greet her, holding out my less sweaty hand and forcing my nerves to hold it steady as I breathe out an overly chipper “Good Morning.”
She doesn’t seem to notice me at all, cleaning her glasses with a white handkerchief and taking the chair on the other side of the desk.
Ahh, the outfit Kattar put together for this date. Courtesy of ending up with a hole in his sweater because he had trouble reaching it from his wheelchair
It was a black sweater and blue leather jacket x black jeans and black vans
“...Y entonces? El restaurante - permisito - un momento-”
I try for the tenth time to snag the hanger, but it’s just a fraction of an inch out of reach from where I’m sitting.
“‘Sta bien, sta bien,” Utkarsh laughs from his end of the line. “If your girlfriend is calling you can hang up on me.”
“No. it’s this-” I pause for a minute trying to keep the frustration, irritation, agitation melange from sounding in my voice.
I don’t have time for this…
It’s just one of those days when ‘frustration’ starts to mutate into that thickness in my throat.
“I can’t reach one of my sweaters,” I mumble furiously.
“Try using some salad tongs,” he offers.
If almost literally anyone else had suggested that I probably would have burned a hole through their ears with some choice language. But I know he’s not joking in the least, so I resist the urge to throw something.
“That’s a good idea.” It takes me 20 seconds to be able to say it outloud. “Give me a minute.”
Alicia chic little black dress that she considered "blase." It's actually pretty sexy tbh lol:
“I’m wearing this pretty bland black dress myself at the moment. I look like an advertisement for ‘Blasé Couture.’”
“Never!” Melissa’s text laughs. “I don’t believe it. And even if you were, you’d get me to buy anything you were selling.”
“Give me a second,” I laugh quickly, “I’ll send you a selfie.”
Shifting the phone to a couple of equally awkward different angles, I select the
It's not released yet, but I'll go with the belted sheath dress that Essence wears on her first date of the book. It's eggplant purple with matching heels. Nowhere near as fancy as the titular red dresses that Alicia has worn in the "Damsel in the Red Dress" books, but it suits her much better than those dresses would
A small example of outfits of the main characters in Karamador's ongoing story arc.
Sir Kiljaos the lion paladin of wind, the protagonist of Karamador, in his shining paladin armor with a white surcoat bearing his family insignia which represents a wind rose, and a majestic red cape. And a new squire outfit he got for Zak the fox pirate after becoming Sir Kiljaos's squire, bearing the same colors as Sir Kiljaos's surcoat and cape. He was still allowed to wear his old golden bracers too.
Ydia the chanting goshawk bard, Sir Kiljaos's herald, in her very colorful and fancy outfit fitting for a bard, featuring a brightly pink dress with blue high collars and complete with a split cape to fit better with her wings.
Anima the fox princess in her regular outfit, with a red cape and loincloth, and golden bracers and jewelry. Being both fancy and light to look royal and fight freely when needed, very fitting for a warrior princess and a fire elemental like her.