12 / 35
Mar 2024

Sega Mega Drive was probably my favourite console to collect games for back when I was into it, but out of every console I experienced when they were relevant the Gamecube is the one I enjoyed the most. Club Nintendo was amazing, You could go to video game retailers go through the bargain bin buy Gamecube games that were 4 for £10 and a lot of the time the stars would still be in the boxes unused. I got my Mario Kart 64 Mousepad off the Nintendo Website that way it looked like this.

Got it on the shelf behind me to this very day ^^

It's also the only console that my family would play games with me. I had Halloween Parties every year when I was in school and I'd have friends stay over, watch a Horror movie like Alien or Halloween. We'd either play the Gamecube or we'd set up the OG Xbox and play Halo. Fun times.

@nickrowler Loved TTYD I completed the game 5 times before I traded it in to get my Nintendo Wii. It's a shame it's so expensive now but i'm glad I experienced it properly before it got expensive ^^;.

Metroid Prime
LoZ: The Windwaker
The Sims: Bustin' Out
Mario Kart: Double Dash!

Mine are Wind Waker and Resident Evil 1 Remake. That's it.

Only had 2, Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker. All I needed!

I was a Mario Party nut during the Gamecube era, so I'm extremely biased towards those games. I wish I could combine the best elements of those 4 games into 1 perfect Mario Party. 4 has a story mode, but ugly boards. And 6 has pretty boards, but no story mode. I could go on.

I also enjoyed Mario Power Tennis, Double Dash, Super Mario Sunshine(mostly to screw around), Battle for Bikini Bottom and Jungle Beat.

You reminded me: um.. Yeah I wanna do
a honorable mentions too (mostly because I forgot several
games, when I started my original list)

Viewtiful Joe (Was awesome!!!)
Animal Crossing (I liked it then, but now I have HEAVY nostalgia for the original​:sob:)
Sonic Gems Collection (Without it I'd never experienced Sonic CD or Sonic R, yes... That was fun and awkward in a good way for me)
"Ristar" (Yes it's part of Sonic mega collection, but that was my favorite out of everything on it)
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (Nothing else to say)

And I'd like to apologize for forgetting to out it in my original favorites list: The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures!
It is EPIC! I probably put it out if my head though because similar to @NickRowler my siblings tried to ruin it for me, but the single player experience is fun and (I believe ) it's one if the multiplayer games that doesn't punish/force you to find someone to play with to enjoy. What I would give to play it again in peace​:sparkles:

Super Smash Bros MELEE
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
SSX Tricky
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3

My Gamecube still works and I still play those games til this day :blush:

I have always loved GameCube, ever since I got it back in 2002 when I was 12 and it had just been released here in Europe. Here are some of my favorite games on it:

  1. Metroid Prime

  2. Super Smash Bros. Melee

  3. Resident Evil 4

  4. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

  5. F-Zero GX

  6. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

  7. Time Splitters 3: Future Perfect

  8. Super Mario Sunshine

  9. Metroid Prime 2

  10. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

  11. Soul Calibur 2

  12. Mario Kart Double Dash!!

  13. StarFox Adventures

  14. Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader

  15. Luigi's Mansion

Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee
That game was the bomb

Know that the first two are tied as two of my favorite games of all time. The rest aren't in any particular order.
1. Super Mario Sunshine - Nearly 100%-ed this except for two blue coins I can't find.
2. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Completed Last Story. Never planned on doing emblems. Shoutout to chao garden.
3. Animal Crossing - Paid off all debts (with cheats)
4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Never started Chapter 8 because I read a walkthrough and got scared; still love it
5. Sonic Mega Collection - My first Sonic game(s), except for that one time I turned on someone's copy of Sonic Chaos
6. Frogger: Ancient Shadow - According to others, this is the best 3D Frogger game. I lucked out.
7. Sonic Adventure DX
8: Sonic Heroes - I think completed everything except for Team Dark's story (and the final boss)
9. Mario Superstar Baseball
10. Sonic Gems Collection - Has some of the best early Sonic soundtracks... except for Sonic CD (I got the American version)
11. Mario Party 6
12. Donkey Konga - Songs from this get stuck in my head sometimes

Honorable Mentions (AKA the remaining Gamecube Games I own)

Tak and the Power of Juju - Honestly I had a lot of fun with this one, but some of the enemy designs scared me, so after a certain point I never picked it back up again. It has probably aged badly LOL

Sims: Bustin' Out - I'm surprised I still own this one. The reason I got into Animal Crossing is because someone saw me playing Sims and thought Animal Crossing would be more age-appropriate.

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - There was one part I got stuck on and never made it past.

Some Tetris Game - I don't really like Tetris. I think my dad bought this?

In no particular order...

Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Not an exclusive, but still)
Mario Kart: Double Dash

I haven't played too much GameCube, for the record. I need to expand my library.

These are the games i really loved to play

  1. Spiderman 2
  2. True Crime
  3. Ultimate Spiderman
  4. Marvel Nemesis Rise of Imperfects
  5. Mario Party 6

And i played more but these are the most i remember i really had fun playing them, or even repeating them like spiderman, i didn't even pay attention to the story of some games, and most because english isn't my first lenguage, even so they were very entertaining

The GameCube and Wii honestly are my favorite consoles ever so I'm happy to see this lol

My favorite games back then were:
X-Men Legends
Ultimate Spiderman
Starfox Adventures
Viewtiful Joe

But my absolute favorites were Twilight Princess and Phantasy Star Online!

Pokemon Stadium. It came out when I was in college. I still have the game and system with the rest of my retro Nintendo consoles Ive held onto since the 80s.

My favorites include:


  • Super Mario Sunshine

  • Metroid Prime

  • Mario Kart: Double Dash


  • Donkey Kong: JUNGLE BEAT

  • Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

  • Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2

I have many gamecube games, and many really good ones... but these are my top favorites.

My bro used to constantly replay that and Echos a lot, both are so much fun!