29 / 34
Nov 2022

Okay! I'll follow you on Instagram! That way when I do upload it I can easily message you (if you want me to), or post it an update thingy lmaooo

:sweat_02: never really got into social media LOL. Don't see how someone could enjoy that dumpster fire though. (from what I'm hearing)

I do have an insta for our project, but that's mostly post and dash. :sweat_smile: Idk half of what I'm doing there.

I'm happily eating handfuls of delicious schadenfreude cake right now.

I have Instagram too! And yes it seems this is probably the best place for to put my comics on the internet. I find like minded people and it’s not drowned out by trends and reels and stuff. I like that there’s something for everyone on here and so much diversity and genres. I’m also on Webtoon but I was hesitant about it. I did it anyway. I have no way to build an audience whereas here, I can actually talk to other creators.

Not sure if this is a trope, but I notice a recurring theme where all the villains in my comics are basically sirens of some kind.

I like the trope where a character acts like an idiot but is really a bada-.

I'm not sure I'm allowed to say it, but you know what I mean :blush:

I read that as 'where a character acts like an idiot but is really a baka' ... so no, I get the feeling I don't know what you mean :'D (Unless you just really like the dummies? XD)

Well, I like you, so that's something, lol. Joking aside.

Think of a character who acts like an idiot but can beat you in a fight with wit and/or strength. The example I can think of is The Flash from DC.

I get it. I sorta have a character like that in my story The Legend of Hanako which isn’t out yet. The character in particular is named Goro and he is the comic relief/goofball of the group. Despite this, he actually has extensive knowledge with medicine and herbs and healing techniques. So in his own way he is a bad*** considering the story takes place in the 1570s Japan in which back then there was no proper hospitals or medics and stuff. :joy:

I wanted to say Enemies to lovers but as great as it is it is.. easy to be unintentionally written in a way that isn’t exactly my taste so I don’t think it’s the best. Probably either urban fantasy (are settings tropes?) or “character has been forced to fight a character they’re close to somehow and it’s unclear if at least one of them survives”, although I don’t know if there’s a name for that one yet

That’s right! I couldn’t think of any character like that at the top of my head. I’ll let you guys know if I think of more!

Any revenge stories

Grimdark stuff that doesn't look like it was written by egdy emo teenager

Lone wolf type of warriors who fight for no one but themselves

"Both sides are evil"

Old man adopts a randomly found kid

The character has good intentions but everything turns out into a diseaster

Absolutely badass women who don't give a damn (like in Claymore, Kill bill, that part of Jojo with Stone Ocean, Aliens)

"Too angry to die" (like in Doom or Berserk)

Space knights (some fancy laser/plasma swords, axes etc.)

God Machine, cult of the machine etc., just cults in sci-fi

God Emperors

Guilty pleasures:

Long, very long gunfights

Giant swords and armours

Fights with many jumps, flips, kicks and other ridiculous things

My all time favs:
-Cosmic Horror Story
-And I Must Scream
-Did you just punch out Cthulu?
-Fridge Logic

Don't let that Shrek movie brainwash you into becoming a donkey over them.

29 days later

closed Dec 19, '22

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