20 / 52
Feb 2024

My studies are fine right now, and I have less assignments to do this week than there are days of the week.

Do you have any to recommend? Like what documentaries and interviews did you look at, and do you know any that would apply to thinks like CPTSD.

And I am. There are multiple videos on the subject in my tabs. I'm just asking for more recommendations so I can see as much as possible on the subject.

No. Did you say to? I don't remember it and I can't find it.

Do people have to tell you to do this? When writing, don't you automatically imagine yourself in the proverbial skin of the character, try to think and act like they do?

No I'm asking because it sounded like he mentioned it before.

There's all sorts of discords and message boards out there. Even the NEET Hikikomoris manage to get some form of online community going on. Been in those spaces.

All they talk about is anime, video games, and random memes (90% of the time) the occasional deep discussions on philosophy and the meaning of life (10%)... and the occasional rant on how much life sucks and it spirals into nihilism, efilism, anti natalism, and atheism, then the occasional Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist gets banned or voluntarily leaves.

Being alone with little to no friends ain't so bad. More time to meditate, enjoy nature, and draw my webtoon.

I never said that. Cause I thought it was kinda obvious since most of us do it. And personally, I don't like to respond to every thread you make since it's either the same question different wording or step by step process. And I hate repetition. Joshi boy just do it. You don't need us to tell you what you have to do nor that we should hold your hand during your progress.
Just do your thing, see what works, where to improve and work on the next thing. That's why trial and error exist. Nobody is perfect.

I think a lot of things are obvious only for it to turn out that they need explaining or to just not be true at all, and all those times i'm the wrong one.

I have never heard of a writer roleplaying as their character to make them do a thing, no matter which space I went to for writing advice, including a space for DND roleplayers. Even the Roleplayers never told me to roleplay as my character. Why would it be obvious?

You are hyperfixitating on the word "roleplay" and taking what he said way too literal.

It's this overly literal way you approach what people say and do that's at the very root of your struggles as a writer and storyteller. How can you hope to prortray a chaacter as a believable person, when you don't have a grasp on basic human behavior. And no, this isn't something you can teach yourself by watching a youtube video or observing some guy in a bar. This is a fundamental sense of empathy you just seem to kinda lack or at least struggle with greatly.

This is lickely due to you being on the spectrum, I get it, it's hard. But you aren't gonna logic your way out of this, it's just something you gotta feel. your constant stream of questions isn't gonna help you here, frankly, I doubt any form of outside help will. It's an inward journey you gotta take, better understand yourself, because you can start to understand others and write characters as real believable people.

And before you ask, no, no one here is gonna be able to really effectively help you with that, it's all up to YOU. The only outside help you can really get is with a professional psychologist (which I really doubt any of us here are.)

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

So you just meant trying to think like them? Well that's just... what a writer does... try to get in their characters head and think of what they'd do, and i've done that. I don't see how any writer doesn't do it. I would never describe that as roleplay, it just is what writing is when you care about your characters.

It's imagining. You imagine what your character will do in this or that situation, trying to put yourself in their shoes. The same as roleplaying, maybe a bit less acting. Or not, you decide. You can literally roleplay all the characters in your book writing dialogue as you imagine yourself being them if it helps.

Sorry about that post I should have waited for a second instead of reacting so quickly. I was hoping I had deleted it before you got to see it.

Now you're just unnecessarily harsh on yourself. Look. I assumed that you knew it since it is common among artists and writers alike. You didn't knew it and that's okay. Nobody is giving you lip for that. Heck, I admit I don't know basic cooking stuff or other stuff as well that is commonly known and that doesn't let me down to still try it. If somebody is trying to tell you something it isn't meant in bad faith and they just let you know that you don't have the same problem again. You learn something new every day.

Okay. I'm calling BS on that point. That's why I said it is obvious since that is what a writer does. Especially in DND which is the core element of the game. Or do you think we just make characters like:

We make the characters based on tropes or other characters we've seen, maybe add a little bit of us for extra flavor to spice things up, and have our original creation that way.