4 / 91
Mar 2021

Newbie under 25 here, let's all help each other and get our first 25. Will follow anyone who replies. Help me and others. Go, go, go !


  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Jun '21
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There are 90 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.


Here's mine! 🖤

Novel and under 25:

LETS GOO. I followed all of you guys that already posted and will keep an eye on this thread as time goes on. Let's help each other get to that sweet 25!

I will subscribe to most people as long as the story details sound interesting enough. I have a long list of things to read, so I may not start these stories any time soon, but I'll eventually get to them if I subscribed. Anyway here's mine. I'm always looking for opinions on ways to improve (doesn't necessarily mean I'll do as you suggest though). It's currently at 15 subscribers.

I like this idea. Here's mine,

I like the idea, a great opportunity for everyone. Here are a few of my novels, and I have one completed series (not in this list) for anyone interested.

Good day. I appreciate the opportunity to share! I just subbed to @Yorth and @bulletcrucifixion. I am grateful for any kind of support. Hope you enjoy my novel if you decide to try it out!


Here is my first novel.

"A letter found in a trunk in the attic of Elisea's house reveals a finding that makes them
understand that possibly Elisea's grandmother was not as crazy as everyone seems to believe."

It is written in Spanish. It is updated every day or at least twice a week. The story feeds on
subscribers. Subscribe and share.

Aquí está mi primera novela.

"Una carta encontrada en un baúl en el desván de la casa de Elisea revela un hallazgo que las
hace comprender que, posiblemente, la abuela de Elisea, no estaba tan loca como todo el mundo
parece creer."

Está escrita en español. Se actualiza todos los dias o, al menos, 2 veces por semana. La
historia se alimenta de subscriptores. Suscribete y comparte.

I'm game!
Edit: I've subscribed to everyone who posted a reply in this post. If I missed any of you please do tell. Also I would appreciate it if you subscribed back xD.

Missing 9 more subscribers for 25 ^^
Follow this cute chicken to find out what's happening.... Why is he alone or is he?

I am at 24 subscribers and it is excruciating.