14 / 15
Apr 2021

inappropriately strokes this website I just found that makes fonts

So it gives you a template, and then after uploading, you can see how your lettersize scales to "fit" with their template. You can then adjust letter spacing, letter scaling (to theirs), and then word spacing. I've made another font before but it ended up pixelly and didn't capture the overall look I wanted.
This site also lets you save as either TTF and/or OTF. OTF being more easily to scale up or down - ie good for all over usage.
I ended up making two fonts off of two different handwritings I use. Something closer to my normal, and then a "neat".

http://calligraphr.com22 It does have a PAID version, but I just did free. It allows just about 75 characters? So the full latin letters, numbers, and a few symbols I know I'll use.
Overall I'd say I'm suuuper happy with how this site translates the results of my handwriting and the "transparency" of the letters as pieces trail off (like the end of my "h" or "f"). I feel like it really captures the "strokes" well.
I'm actually thinking of using the "neater" looking one for some documents for NTN somehow.

I did two methods. The first, I started warming up by writing down words with the pen I would use::
frog, marvelous, frost, help, coast to coast, ect
And then I started picking and choosing letters out. Once I was confident with how my handwriting was translating to digital, I just went to the tablet and wrote my letters. The worse part is my irl handwriting is closer to cursive and truncates/destroys letters (ing) and the shape of (g) or (y) will be destroyed and look like a (y). that kind of appearance just cannot translate overall to a font unless I can use a command to conjoin symbols that would replicate my handwriting like that - lots of trouble lol

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    Apr '21
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I use this site to make fonts in my series and it's so good~

10 months later

I just wanted to add to this thread since I've tried doing some more fonts. I wanted to see how much detail it could grab. All of the examples are at 24pt font size supposedly. The first image is the same as shown in most of this thread. I rather like how the cursive one got translated - it did require the most decrease in letter spacing, but I think the result turned out really well.

That is so cool, thanks so much for sharing! Making my own will be so much more comfortable than accidentally downloading and using a font that was mislabelled as free use or something...

im guessing you need a tablet? Is there an option to upload handwriting?

Yes, so you pick the base 75 characters you want to modify and they give you a template either blank or with the letters on them.

Click upload template to drop in the template you've filled out.
Then "Edit Font Details" is the:: letter spacing, word spacing, and 'default' font size.
"Build your font" is the preview and option to Downdload the .ttf and .otf you''ll then open to Install to your machine.

That is 100% my biggest fear. Which is why I've taken to just making fonts out of my own handwriting. These are the only ones I've made so far, but I'm sure if I put in more effort to one like the one with the flowers and bees, it could be pretty cute.
I'm going to try making one of those that's similar to bubble letters at some point soon. I'll post the result of that. I've also seen a cute font that's a bubble sort of letter with "sewing stitching" outside it's borders that looked cute - but it wasn't free to use :cry_02: So now I can just make it myself.

It should work! I just remembered the artist I saw this from printed out pages and used a gel pen for one test and a sharpie for another, and took the photo with her cellphone :hohoho:

I love playing with the word spacing and letter spacing. Did you do a "comma" symbol cause it looks like you didn't? The periods look so cute!

Thank you! This style is supposed to slightly resemble a sign system I made for my manga, and the periods are directly taken from it (except in the sign system, they are much bigger). As for the commas, they are there, quite plenty of them ^^;

The commas are what I need to fix yet, along with the colon (it's crap, get it). And move brackets a little up, they are slightly too low now.