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Jun 2024

Don't tell anyone what you're forshadowing, just share the moments that foreshadow:

Turning to my easel I set up a clean canvas and mix two little pools of acrylic - a cocoa brown bath and a baby pink one - so much more delicate than I can fathom - and I touch my brush to the canvas.

This is laughable.

The petals melt into themselves - too much water - collapsing faster than I can convince them there’s a reason to keep trying to be beautiful - each one perfectly defective from the first second of their conception-

There will be no fruit.

The tree is broken.

It’s dying.

And I don’t know how to fix it. How to save it -

So I leave it to keep weeping. Falling to pieces like blushing ashes falling from the top of the canvas to the base like the burning rain and embers after a wildfire-

And go to bed.

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    Jun '24
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    Oct '24
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"Marek" is chock full of foreshadowing events (one of which just happened if you look closely...)

This bit won't happen for a while (like season 4, we're about to hit 2 in a couple months)

Marek sounds like the name of a Sumerian diety, was that the point?

(got a 500 error and my reply didn't show up for me. Hope my post doesn't repeat, lol, bad connection)

It's the name of a chicken disease actually, Marek's Disease, that leaves chicks blind and paralyzed. Usually fatal to chicks, but Marek (also the chosen name of the fortune teller chicken) survived it, and serves the coop as a soothsayer.

For Apparent Secrets, I have lots of little hints and moments sprinkled throughout, especially that pertain to characters' fates, future events, and secret plot threads that weave in and out of the main story.

Character names are often tied to song lyrics that foreshadow their fates, especially the humans on Earth. As far as I know, no one has put together exactly how just yet, but I'm having a good chuckle at the foreshadowing so far.

As for specific items, I make it a practice to NEVER mention an item more than once unless it's super plot-relevant. If you read about an object twice, it WILL have an impact on something in the future. It's not Chekov's Gun so much as a Howitzer. :joy:

ive got a few, since the entire story of echoes of the abyss is about my main character regaining his memories there are a ton of hint as to what he used to be/do/feel and how he treated other people. His entire former personality is forshadowed in small details throughout the story. (mainly within my newer episodes though.)


"...And when he was about to sign it, the Assassin swoops in. At first, I was mad. That stupid Liliana ruining my plan. You bitch."



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.

There're a lot more instances, but I'll show the ones I remember the most.

(This forshadowing is not about what the goals of the delincuents are by the way)

(Those two are from the chapter with the most amount of foreshadowing, some answered already, some not.)

(And this is the most recent one)

You bet! :joy: I've got a stack of notes to remind me to weave plot items back into the narrative as I continue writing. Otherwise, I'm likely to forget that it's there.

that's too complicated for my slice of life stories imao lol, but I do have things close to this complicated with some quantum reality stories coming up later

29 days later

Here's a bit:
I remember following him barefoot out onto the hot driveway with the sun beating down on my face and head. Wanting to say something…

“What will Andrew think when he gets home from Toby’s house?”

I guess I didn’t say it loud enough for him to hear me. But he saw me standing there staring at him.

He said something I couldn’t hear, or comprehend, as he got out again, putting his big hand on my hair, and kissed my tear-streaked face.

I want to believe it was “I’ll come back.” But I’ll never know. They didn’t really give him a lot of options…


(from a currently unreleased chapter)

22 days later

Since this story is sort of a mystery, there is tons of foreshadowing. But it would be a spoiler to point at most of it. The first instance of foreshadowing is probably the name the Sanctuary refers to Mora Glas's stalker as. If anyone knows who Actaeon is in mythology...

19 days later

Another instance of unplanned foreshadowing:

“-It’s a little bit like the edgy emo cousin,” Shannon quips, lifting his hands like he’s weighing the options, “But on the bright side, those are rarely boring.”

“Everything’s about weird relatives with you,” I laugh lightly, “You must have a colorful family.”

“That’s a way of putting it…” he says, raising his eyebrows with a shake of his head, “Muslims and Catholics so…you know - a lot of color involved there.”

“Colorful language perhaps?” I probe.

“It would make your ears burn,” he says in a confidential tone, “and all my siblings and cousins grew up in that insanity so we’re a little bit…”


“That’s a nice little understatement,” he smirks, “I'm the only one of my siblings to even go to college. My sisters are all unhinged - free-spirits who couldn’t be ‘tied down’ to normal careers and Islamic standards. They had to go be indie musicians, influencers, and artists…”

“Hello, beautiful and completely ‘hinged’ artist right here,” I say playfully, cupping my hands under my chin for emphasis.

“But that’s the thing - not one of them is talented or beautiful,” he laughs.

“You just think that because they’re your sisters,” I argue.

“That’s probably true enough. Brothers are allergic to complimenting their sisters.”

Enemy learns his lesson.

Kayla’s strength and love for her family drive her forward in Hades.
Every step in Hades is a battle. Will Kayla emerge victorious? :shield:

Chapter 12 is up. Go check it out.
Follow her story: