We all use various resources to make comics, let's share some of the easily accessible ones!
Line of action: https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing
This is super handy for doing warm ups and anatomy studies. If I'm feeling stiff I'll set it to 60 seconds per image, then draw for 10-20 minutes. It's like magic. It's really changed the way I draw!
Comic lettering standards: https://blambot.com/pages/comic-book-grammar-tradition#thoughtballoons
Really useful when you're just starting out and you need ideas on how to handle certain situations in text!
Perspective grid maker: https://www.reubenlara.com/perspectivegrid/
If you're like me and you use photoshop, you're gonna need an external perspective grid maker. This is really customizable and super useful!
Bonus! Alternate perspective grid maker: https://haztro.itch.io/perspective-grid-maker
This one's not entirely free, but worth mentioning because it's just so useful. Found this when the other perspective grid website was down for an evening, and it's saved my bacon on a few occasions. Plus, it has some fun features that the other one doesn't have, like using a fisheye lens.
Blambot fonts: https://blambot.com/collections/all-fonts
I think this is pretty well known by now, but Blambot has a free license for many of their fonts if you're a hobbyist comic maker. They're not all free of course, but some of them are, and they're all high quality. Keep in mind you'll have to buy a license if you end up selling your comic.
Do you have any really useful resources? Post em and let's get more efficient!